Chapter 45

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Harry and Louis groaned at the wake-up call the next day, Louis mumbling grumpily, "Four AM, who invented this ridiculous time?", while rubbing his face in Harry's chest. Harry rubbed his eyes and stretched as he replied, "Got to beat the paps right?" Louis grumbled as he got out of bed, sleepily turning the shower on as he brushed his teeth. He started to feel a little more alive when he got in the shower, the steaming water punishing his skin and waking him up. He left his hair up in a bun as Harry showered and dressed quickly before stuffing the assorted clothes littered around the hotel room back in their bags. Louis felt heat pool in his stomach as he watched Harry stroll out of the bathroom, a towel slung low on his hips, rivulets of water dripping from his curls down his chest and stomach. Harry loosened the towel and swung it upwards to start drying his body and hair, revealing his thick cock, hanging heavy and soft between his legs, sparse dark hair framing it perfectly.

Louis' mouth began to water and he sharply turned on his heel, busying himself with the rest of the packing as Harry rubbed himself dry and pulled on a pair of boxers. Louis took a few deep breaths, suppressing his lust, knowing they had a flight they had to catch, but wanting nothing more than to drag Harry back to the bed and eat him out until he passed out. Instead he sighed and grabbed the last few bits from the bathroom as Harry finished dressing.

He'd eaten Harry out for the first time a few nights ago, Harry moaning into the hotel pillows as Louis gave him long deliberate licks across his puckered entrance. Louis had loved the intoxicating musk of Harry and soap and Louis had rimmed him eagerly for over half an hour, alternating speeds and pressures, experimenting with nibbling, sucking and tongue fucking. Harry had gone crazy, sweaty curls matted against his forehead and neck, writhing against the mattress until Louis had forcefully held his hips down and continued, leaving Harry a boneless whimpering puddle as he came against the sheets. Louis had ended the night by fucking Harry, angling long and hard strokes at his prostate as Harry lay there docile and wrecked by his orgasm, fucking him through another one until they collapsed exhausted.

Louis had to readjust himself as he thought about that night, discretely slipping the lube out from the zip up compartment he'd packed it in and slipping it into his pocket. They opened the door at Chris and James' knock, and they left for the airport, creeping past a dozing pap stationed in his car outside the hotel. Louis let his thoughts wander as they drove to the private airport just outside of Doncaster. It all still seemed a little surreal, being famous again, being with Harry, being gay. It was not bad, quite the opposite, but so much had changed in such a short space of time. Louis wondered why he was so cool with it, why everything felt so right. It wasn't really a question he knew how to answer, he only knew that he'd felt like something had been missing for so long and now he finally had the last piece of the puzzle, completing him.

They pulled up at the airport, grabbing the other bags that the wardrobe team and management had prepared for them, leaving their old bags in the boot and headed inside to check in. They had a brief security check before being led to the lounge, the small airport eerily quiet, with only a few members of staff and the small group. They ate a quick breakfast in the lounge before heading to the private plane, James and Chris dealing with the luggage for the couple. They settled into the large comfortable seats, immediately pushing the armrest between them up so they could cuddle and deciding to have a quick nap while the plane flew them to the island.

After napping for a few hours Louis woke and stretched, took his seatbelt off and headed to the bathroom. He got the lube from his pocket before pushing his jeans down and pouring the lube over his fingers and working them into himself. Louis' cock twitched as he stretched himself open, hardening at the stimulation. After a few minutes he pulled his fingers out and his jeans back up, rinsing his fingers quickly and flushing the toilet to make it seem less suspicious. He headed back to his seat, finding Harry still dozing and huffing as he sat next to him.

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