Friend zone (Taejenmin)

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Jimin and Jennie are friends or can we say bestfriends.All  admire thier friendship it is cute yet sassy.Jennie have a small crush on him , but jimin only see her as a friend.Jennie tried to confess her feeling to him ,but jimin friendzoned her.Jimin was a handsome guy from childhood , so girl swoon around him.He is not interested in anyone or he thought.After that confession jimin started to distance himself from Jennie.He started to flirt and make friends.Whenever Jennie try to talk to him, he ignore her.Jennie was a normal nerd girl , who is beautiful but at same time she cover her beauty .Jennie always dress up in a baggy cloths covering her body.His friends told him that being friend with nerd girl will broke his reputation.One day jimin broke her heart in to pieces.

J: jimin , I am sorry .please can we continue as bestfriends (pleading)

Jimin done something that made him regret whole life.

Jm:Guys listen(shouted)

All the students came to him.Now all are surrounding Jennie and jimin.

Jm:So this girl over here want to be friend with me , she also confess that she likes me. (Laughing)

All the school was laughing at her .Jennie's eyes filled with tears.

Jm:so hear me out nerd or my exbestie .The answer is NO.why would I befriend a person like you .you are not beautiful,confident ,talented.You are such a waste (he spat)

All are making fun of her.Jennie is silently crying.Just when jimin going to shout at her again

'Shut up shorty or else you will suffer '
Deep voice echoed all the area.All the students become silent.There standing schools heartthrob with his whole glory.His aura screams confident.

Jm:oh oh ,mr.taehyung why are interfereing in our problem(furious)

V: I will interfere (annoyed)

Jm:why do you care (little jealous)

V:I care because I love her (shouted)

All are gasping at the information, The hearthrob loves a nerd.All of his fangirls are near to faint.jimin grew red because of jealousy.Jennie looked at him with wide eyes.Tae slowly went to Jennie and stand infront of her.Both are looking at eachother with different emotions.tae looking with adoration,Jennie looking with confusion.He gently wiped her tears.

V:Don't cry Jennie (concern)

J: today onwards I will not cry for this man , I will not beg for his friendship
(directing towards jimin)

V:promise (Extending his pinky finger)

J: promise (intervine her finger with him)

Both looked each other with a smile.Jimin ran to them and seprate thier hands.

V:what do you want?(annoyed)

Jm:hmm nothing(confused at himself)

V:Then please stop standing between us(angry)

To Jennie

V:Jennie can we talk (with hope)

Jennie is so confused now,but anyways she agree.Both went from there, all the students went to thier class.Jimin is standing in same position.

Jimin pov

What have I done.hyung is right I am a pabo.Jennie doesn't deserve this.what will I do.She said that from today she will not interfere in my life.I should talk to her.

Pov end

Jennie and tae didn't went to school after that incident. It's been a week and jimin started to feel restless.He decided to go to principal office.

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