Dance with me (jenhope)1

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Jennie is a college student.She is a above average student.Jennie loves dance.She always want to join in the dance class but because of busy study schedule she can't join.Jennie always become sad because of that too.

             Jennie was walking to her boring class.She is practically dragging herself to the class .She reached the class and sat on her usual seat.All are talking non stop.Class is so mess.Jennie is an introvert and only talks a little.She only have a friend her name is rosé.

R:hey jen , why are you so sad

J: it's so boring, I want to do something productive.but this damn college don't even give us a proper break

R:yes you are right ,why can't they start music classes and dance classes .so we both can join (pouting)

J:yeh,so I can dance and you can sing.Its our 1st year and we already want to leave (laughing)

R:you are right(laughing)

J:it's great that we both have each other (flying kiss)

R:yes forever (catching the kiss)

Both of them laugh at thier silliness.They both are in thier own talks then professor came to the class.

Pr:Good morning

St: Good morning sir

Pr:so there is an announcement to all that the college is starting clubs like dance,music,sports etc.If you are interested please report to respective clubs as soon as possible

Students were happy that they got opportunity to showcase thier talent so all of them cheered and clapped for the announcement.Chaennie is so happy that they both were smiling all time.So many students felt it  odd because Jennie don't smile that much.After professor went out.

J:Rosie posie did you hear that (squealing)

R:yes jen,finally we are going to join to our favourite clubs (squealing)

All the class is so busy in themselves so they didn't see two girls are squealing .But someone saw this and smiled at this.


Aah she is so cute.Her gummy smile is so cute.I want look at her smile forever.Hope we meet again .Oh, I forget to do what I came for(sigh)

(Pov End)

Chaennie went to respective clubs and gave thier names.The club activities will be start after lunch.So both of them went to canteen.

J:so what you want my foodsé (smiling)

R:Today I am so happy so , I let you to select my food(smile)

J:ok then I will order avacado (acting like thinking)

R:yah pabo don't you dare (fake anger)

J:ok my Rosie posie I will buy you your favourite (making heart with her hand)

R:That's why I love you jen

J:love you too idiot

Jennie went to order food.She is standing in line but her full attention is on phone.Then she hear a shouting.

Boy:move from the line,it's my place(attitude)

?: sorry , it's my turn now.You can order next(politely)

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