New beginning

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His painful voice spread all over the home . All his friends ran to him panicking .

" Tae , what happened ?"

Jin enveloped him in a hug . Taehyung whimper in his hug . All look at him helplessly. It's been two years still Taehyung is lost in his guilt.

" Hyung , Jennie my Jennie is gone . I want her hyung . I want her "

No one dare to talk . They accept fate . Jisoo trying to comfort chaelisa who started to cry . It's hard for her to forget her favourite jendeukie. She still hoping for her jendeukie to return to her with a beautiful gummy smile. Jimin and jungkook looking numbly at Taehyung. They want to slap the shit of Taehyung but keep thier promise to thier Jennie. All other four hyungs are calming him even though they are disappointed at him .

" Tae , it's been two years . Try to move on "

Jin said this words with heavy heart . He can't even imagine a day without thinking about his jen . He always felt happiness whenever Jennie called him oppa . But now, his ears are earning for her call.

" It's been two years three months 10 hours . I can't get her little giggles , sweet smile , beautiful eyes out of my mind. Why did I do that ? Why ? how could I do that to the sweetest girl that ever I met ?"

Jisoo closed her eyes to control herself from hitting her so-called brother . Her heart is aching. The day she saw the ever smiley girl just look at her brother with blank expression. But she could see the pain of betrayal in her eyes .The same eyes carried sunshine to others where looking at him with pain, betrayal,tears. Jisoo chocked a sob . Jisoo died at the moment she saw her jendeukie slowly disappear from her view.

" Yes , it's you who done it . It's you who broke her trust.its you who break her into pieces . It's you who cheated on her . But who is bearing the pain US . We just lost her just like that . I lost my nonna . My nonna never came back to her kookie after what you did . You took my nonna away from me "

Jungkook shouted at Taehyung. His tears rolled to his cheek. Taehyung look down with shame .Jimin hug jungkook and shoot a glare at Taehyung .

" Tae , just go and wash up . Let's go to somewhere to relax "

Taehyung nodded . But he know he don't deserve love of his hyungs after what he done to thier angel. Jisoo never came to him after that incident. Chaelisa never acknowledged his presence even though they are under same roof. They have been in same house after Jennie disappear like that . All try to be busy in thier music industry. Yes, they are included in biggest bands in the world known as BTS and Blackpink. Blackpink never had a comeback in the two years .it's because their backbone of the group just went disappear two years ago . No one knows about it. YG lied that Blackpink is preparing something big that's why there is no news of any members . In reality he is searching for his ace for two years .

   Each day they wake up to hear the news their jendeukie is back . But to thier disappointment they heard nothing about her .


Next morning Blackpink's manager brag into home . All got startled by the sudden arrival.

" Oppa what happened"

Jisoo asked with worried voice . Chaelisa also came to them .BTS sat there not knowing what to do .

" All of you girls get ready , there is an important announcement in our company. Sorry boys  it's a company secret,so.."

RM gave him a smile .

" Hyung it's ok , we understand.Hope it's a good news "

All other BTS members nodded in agreement.When pinks went out all started wondering what happening in YG .

" Please god , don't be a sad news  . Don't be a disband news "

Jhope prayed to lord . All other felt sad , they know if Jennie don't arrive fast . Blackpink going to disband . Taehyung felt more guilt .

" Don't be what we are thinking, they deserve hapiness . Please give them what they earning for "

Taehyung prayed in his mind .

Updating this book after looooong time 😆♥️

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