Dance with me (2)

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H: it's Jennie kim (smiling)

Jennie looked at him surprised.All congratulated her even though they are jealous.John is not having it ,but he faked a smile.

H:So all others are patner with each other.And Jennie please wait for me after class

J:ok sir , I mean hobi (smiling)

Hobi get lost in her gummy smile but John came and snapped him out of his dream.

John:hobi, So can we start(annoying tone)

H:Yes(without any emotion)

Jennie looked at them confused.But all others in room can figure out that there is a cold war between hobi and John.

H:Lets continue

Day by day hobi is amazed by jennie.He thought she will not be that friendly ,but she is talking non stop about dance.He understood her love for dance.He saw the same passion in her.He gave her extra classes too.

                 Jennie and hobi performed the dance competion and won first prize.


Its been 5 months .my contract is over.I got job in hybe labels.My life is settled now.But i miss her non stop talking,her dance,her smile.I just miss her.I knew i am in love.Should i ask her out?.

H:Hello jen,how is the day?

J:its so bore,i want meet my sunshine

H:For what ?

J:Just one hangout

H:Ok  i will be there

       They walked along the beach.Its a beautiful sunset.But hobi have his eyes only on Jennie.Her hair is flying according to a rythem.He can watch her till the death.But he snapped out of his dreamland by hearing something that surprised him.



J:Can you be my sunshine forever?(her eyes is fixed at him)

H:mmm,What ?(surprised)

J: My life was full of darkness.Rosè came to me like a angel who makes me happy.I was living in a small world with rosè ,then you came to my life like a sunshine.Your smile,your silliness,your cowordness,your dance,your proctectivness ,your care,your kindness all made me fall for you.You brought a new light to my dark world .I started to live my life once again.My day started with your good morning and ended with your good night.My heart beats increases every time when you are around.When you teach other girls ,i become jealous. If i didn't say my liking towards you,i will lost you forever.I love you hobi.Will you be my boyfriend and then life patner?

Hobi was so happy.He hugged her and in the impact both of the fall on the ground.Hobi on the top.He looked at her and removed hair that covering her face gently.

H:I love you

Jennie giggled at him.hobi admire her beautiful features .He leaned and kissed her forehead,each eyes and her both cheeks.He about to kiss her on lips.but then he stopped,

H:I will kiss you on our wedding

Jennie gave him a little peck on his neck and whisper in his ears

J: yes that day will be our first kiss

Hobi leaned to her and kissed her whole face except her lips and whispered




  Next chapter is coming soon loves ❤

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