Part 1

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Author's note! So, who is surprised to see a new story from me while I still am not finished with the last one? No one? Good. No expectations then!

This fic is purely for my own amusement. I got a big, big, big idea in my head and it won't leave me alone. So here is the start!

Stiles has some serious issues and needs a real big hug through this whole story.


I really love the idea of all Avengers living together in the tower, so that will happen at some point, and yup, we are totally going to ignore all the timelines. My fic, my rules!

There is a scrap of STEREK, only in the first chapter, and after it, they're through. I really do love Sterek, but I was a little bit obsessed with TW / Avengers crossovers that I just want a crossover ship, and I love Bucky, so hell yes, Stiles/Bucky coming right up! Well, kinda.. Because it's going to happen in a slowburn.

Most of the stories I've read still have the Sterek ship, even after Stiles is pushed out of the pack, but I'm not going to let Stiles forgive Derek for whichever reason he was pushed out of the pack. You'll see!

When sketching the storyline, I saw that this will be a big fic.. So if you like it, subscribe!

Enjoy the story!


Stiles stood frozen, looking at the hole in the ground where the casket was being lowered into. People were talking to him, saying how sorry they were, while Stiles's world seemed to fall apart. Stiles didn't respond to anyone. He just kept looking at that damn hole in the ground. Thankfully it seemed like nobody was expecting him to answer.

He couldn't believe that this had happened. Yes, of course, he knew that he would need to say goodbye at some point. But Stiles had hoped that he would've been at least sixty or something. He had been working on that with every healthy meal he brought the man. He never expected to be just twenty-five when he lost him.

Stiles swallowed heavily before wiping his wet cheeks. The tears hadn't stopped since the service had begun, and he knew that they wouldn't stop for a while.

But that was okay. It was fine. He already knew that he was giving himself today. Today he would be broken. Today he would cry and scream and let himself be comforted by his pack.

However, tomorrow? Tomorrow was a whole different story because Stiles Stilinski would not rest until his dad was avenged.


Derek was stroking the strands of hair out of his face while Stiles let new tears fall. He was exhausted from the day's events, but he couldn't sleep.

Thankfully he had Derek to hold him and take care of him because he knew for sure that without him, he would've fallen completely apart.

He counted his fingers, over and over again, hoping he was wrong. Hoping it was a nightmare. But unfortunately, every time he was done counting, the number was ten.

''It's not fair,'' Stiles whispered in a rough voice in the silence of their bedroom.

He and Derek had been living together for three months now. After nine years of knowing each other, and four of them pining for each other, they had been together since last year.

But when they finally admitted to each other what they felt, they had fallen into the best relationship Stiles ever had. Sure they had their differences, probably more than other couples, and they argued a lot, but they always talked it out, and the makeup sex was amazing.

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