; avril lavigne "the best damn thing" album review

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                Okay so you guys are going to think this came out of nowhere, and mostly that's because it did.  Obviously this album has been out for eight years now (which makes me sad because I got it right after it was released, meaning I was twelve *sobs* where does the time go) so it's old news for anyone who has listened to more of this album than just Girlfriend.  However, for those of you who are not mega fans of Avril Lavigne and who've most likely only heard her stuff if it was on the radio or circulating around the internet for a while, you might not know anything about this album.

                That needs to change.

                In my personal opinion, "The Best Damn Thing" is easily Avril Lavigne's best album to date.  It's totally fine if anyone disagrees, because she's had some masterpieces, but I find that I never really favor artists' earlier or most recent works over some of their middle stuff.  For example, my favorite One Direction album is "Take Me Home"(which is their second of four), and my favorite Taylor Swift album is "Red"(her fourth of five).  With Avril Lavigne, I prefer this, her third of five albums.  I think all of the songs are equally great — certain tracks don't stick out over the others.  They're all just really solid and fun (even the ballads), and the entire album was meant for blasting in your car with the windows rolled down.  It's that simple.

                So without further ado, here we go:



01: GIRLFRIEND — 9.5/10

                This song is a jam, and anyone who disagrees is lying straight up.  Whenever a song begins with its chorus, you know it's going to be fantastic.  That's kind of just how it goes.  It's sassy, it's funny, and it is full of more attitude than I'll ever possess in my life.  Everything is catchy — the chorus, the verses, the music, the clapping/drum beat.  Everything.  There isn't much more to say; it sort of speaks for itself.  Favorite lyrics: She's so stupid / What the hell were you thinking? *girl crying in the background lol*


02: I CAN DO BETTER — 9.5/10

                I was obsessed with this one for a while, and I made it one of my friend's anthems when one of her douchebag boyfriends dumped her.  I just think it's really empowering and properly confident.  I mean, I'm all for being kind to everyone — especially people who are not kind — but sometimes when your heart is broken and you need to help yourself heal, feeling this way is the best way to do it.  Become angry, realize you deserve so much better, convince yourself he/she sucked, etc.  Afterwards, when you're good again, you can reflect and forgive and forget and stuff, but that can't always be done right away.  So yeah, I just think this is a fantastic song that everyone should know.  Favorite lyrics: I'm so sick of you / You're on my nerves / I want to puke.


03: RUNAWAY — 10/10

                Basically my anthem.  Everything about this song is accuracy at its finest, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who will feel so.  Also the entire thing is just super pleasing to the ear?  I've no clue what it is about it, but the tune and Avril's voice and the lyrics...  It's just really relaxing in a weird way.  I haven't done enough research to know if she penned this track herself or if she even helped at all, but whoever wrote it, I seriously commend them.  It's fantastic.  Definitely one of my favorites of hers from any album ever, but especially this one.  To my One Direction fans, this is sort of like "Ready to Run" (not sound-wise, but meaning-wise) only a little more melancholy and hopeful than excited determination.  Give it a chance.  Favorite lyrics: So-so's how I'm doing if you're wondering / I'm in a fight with the world but I'm winning.

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