; niall horan "flicker" album review

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Hi, it me, back at it again with the white vans. Kidding, I don't own white vans. Okay so anyway, wow, here we are with the second of four solo album reviews for OT4. I still can't believe this day has arrived. I was just reading over my review for Made In The A.M. and crying a little because it feels so long ago (it was).

We've already done Harry's album, and I've barely scraped up whatever remains of my heart and soul (I almost spelt that as 'sole' just so you know how my life is going right now) in time for everyone's favorite boyfriend Niall to come through. Neil. Nelly. Oh No Niall.

Oh yes Niall.

Alright, we're going to move on. I'm not even sure what I'm writing anymore. Oh also, my roommate Maria (@teenytoes – go follow her, she's on a mission) and our lovely friend Caysi are going to be chiming in with their thoughts and ratings because I'm sure you're all sick of my ramblings by now and would like other opinions.

So without further adieu:

1: ON THE LOOSE – 9 (ME), 10 (MARIA), 7 (CAYSI)

Me: I'm...okay. What an album opener. I say that because it reminds me of One Direction's "What a Feeling," and if 1D had just plopped that track at the start of their album I probably would have had an aneurism when I first listened to Made In The A.M. So having to experience that with Flicker is honestly offensive. But real talk, I enjoyed this so much. It fits on the album, but in my opinion doesn't completely sound like everything else he's got here, so I think it's fun in that way. There's a very sultry vibe to the tune, and the second verse gives me life after he so carelessly took it away. Favorite lyrics: "So get out while you can / you don't understand / she doesn't know how to lose."

Maria: This song is bop city, let's be real. When Carissa told me it sounded like "What a Feeling" I DIED. Every time I hear it I have the urge to shrug my shoulders and do weird stuff with my feet but honestly I don't care? Favorite lyrics: "She'll dance in the dark / a real work of art."

Caysi: "What a Feeling" vibes? I like that Niall is talking about this chick that loves the spotlight and her body and her sexuality but it's not in a shamey/sexualizing way. It feels like he's her hype man. Also, I definitely feel like this would be played at the end of a movie where a girl is driving down the California coast in an old convertible with her shades on LIVING HER BEST LIFE. Driving into the sunset to continue her hoe ways (but like an empowered, in charge of her sexuality kind of hoe ways). Lit lyric: "She'll jump on that flight and meet you that night / and make you tear up the room."

2: THIS TOWN – 8.5 (ME), 8.7 (MARIA), 6 (CAYSI)

Me: Remember when this song came out and nobody was ready and everyone was sad? Yeah, same. It was also such a tease, because I got to thinking the entire album would sound like this, so when "Slow Hands" came out I felt like I'd been assaulted (but more on that later). You've all heard it before, but I just want to explain the reasons for my rating. It's going to be lower than most of these tracks probably purely because I'm so used to it at this point and because other tracks are a lot stronger. Don't get me wrong, this was the perfect first single and it's still such a solid song with adorable lyrics. I don't think I'd have chosen a different song to replace it as our first glimpse into Niall's solo career, but I just love other tracks more now. You know? Favorite lyrics: "You still make me nervous when you walk in the room."

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