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A pale green and pale blue RainWing whipped past a large jungle tree. The one peaceful and lazy canopy was now covered in thick black smoke flinging sticky, burning hot ash in every direction, making it hard to fly, breathe, and see.

"Hurry! We need to get there now!" a booming voice ordered somewhere through the ocean of sludgy smoke and ash. There were a few gaps in the billowing clouds of smoke, allowing some visibility.

A large, majestic dragon was seen swooping through the smoke followed by a few other RainWings and NightWings.

Her Majesty, Queen Glory has come to help with the fire too! I knew she was the best queen!

The smoke filled in the few gaps allowing all the dragons to see one another. The RainWing slowed her wingbeats, trying not to knock anyone out of the air.

The smell of burning flesh and random plants hit her in the face like a tree that appeared out of nowhere. Her wingbeats faltered and she dropped out of the air. Frantically trying to get upright, she spread her wings. Flames licked her scales, causing her to scream in agony. She beat her wings harder, trying to escape the pain of the fire from burning her.

"Almost there, Aura," she told herself, trying to ignore the writhing pain, "you are almost there!"

Finally, bursting through the smoke, the whole group of dragons appeared.

Aura was only now understanding what she was getting into. The hatchery, holding everyone's eggs, was slowly approached by a massive fire. Not only was it terrible that the whole of both tribes relied on it to keep their eggs safe, but she relied on it to HER'S safe. Her first dragonet was in that very hatchery, just waiting to hatch later that very day.

Usually, the parents of the dragonet would come get their egg, sometime before it hatched, so they could keep it safe in their presence until they met their dragonet. Aura was just about to leave to go get hers when her best friend, Tiger, came bursting through the trees, waking a few grumpy and tired RainWings from their Sun Time.

He was covered head to tail in black marks, some of which were bubbling up, making sickening popping sounds. He landed nearby Aura, who rushed over to help her friend.

Tiger, who was once one of the silliest, most confident, handsome RainWings she knew, was now covered in soot and was one of the palest colors of green she has ever seen. As he stood up, Aura noticed his shivering, which is not something he did. He never shivered. It was always warm in the Rainforest Kingdom, and he was never nervous, even when he was the only RainWing that worked in the new library. So, why was he shivering now?

"Tiger! What happened!?" Aura asked, clearly in a worried tone, because every dragon within hearing distance looked over. The few RainWings turned green at the sight of the burns.

"The hatchery is on fire!" Tiger said between gasps for air.

Aura gasped, and without a second thought, she bolted as fast as she could to go save her egg. She didn't think he meant a huge wildfire!

"We need to get the eggs out first. Everything else can come after. Don't leave a single egg behind," the queen ordered. Everyone nodded their head.

Aura didn't wait for anyone else to move. She bolted down to the hatchery. The smoke was growing thicker by the minute, and it was impossible to see in the hatchery.

The hatchery was no longer just a nest that hold all the eggs like it used to be before Glory came. It was now a full-sized hut, taking up the space between four thick trees. It was suspended between each of the trees, making the same kind of springy floor that is used in the nursery that protects the dragonets as they play.

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