Chapter 3

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The whole group took a step away from her in surprise and fear. A twinge of guilt passed through her, but she just brushed it off. These dragons are trying to bring her back to the Rainforest Kingdom! How DARE THEY!

"But... They probably had no idea of how bad the rainforest was for you," a small part of her mind whispered.

I don't have time for this. I don't care about them.

"Didn't you used to live in the rainforest? I heard from everyone who lived there that it was the best place," Diamondback said.

"Well it's not. It sucks," she said furiously.

She stormed off back into the mountain, small tears starting to fill her eyes. She sped up from a walk to a light jog, trying to get away from all the judging eyes of others.

Starburst didn't care where she was going, as long as it was away.

After a little while of twisting and turning through the moist cold caves, she finally burst out into a large and spacious cavern, littered with stars on the cave walls.

"Whoa," she whispered out loud.

She walked slowly through the caves, admiring the little glowing lights that were all around her. She looked down at the ground and noticed that there must have been some on the ground too. She reached out, trying to pick up one of the little stars, but when she closed her talon around one, it started to ripple. She realized it must have been a reflection of them from above on little ponds and lakes.

She looked around the cave, noticing empty paths of stone between each of the little ponds, branching off of one another like branches of trees. It was serene. The complete opposite of her life ever since she met her friends. Wait... not friends. Most definitely not friends.

She walked through the cavern, not being able to take her eyes off of the little lights. What were they anyway? Stars don't exist in caves.

"It's beautiful, isn't it," a small, quiet, and familiar voice said from behind Starburst, making her jump.

She groaned and leaned her head back, trying to make her disappointment as visible as possible.

Without turning to look at the speaker, she said, "What do you want Artemis?"

"I just wanted to be here with you."

Starburst rolled her eyes. Her scales changed to a dark brownish-orange, but her underbelly was secretly scattered with pink scales here and there. She tried her best to stamp them out, but every time she hid one, another one appeared somewhere else. It was VEEEEEERRRRY aggravating.

"Well I would appreciate if you could go away," she said between gritted teeth.

The small, mildly annoying NightWing persisted, "I... I don't know. I was just hoping..."

"Hoping what!? That I would talk to you!? That I would be your friend!? NightWing. I don't CARE about you! I don't CARE ABOUT ANYONE! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Starburst screamed.

Artemis took a step back, tears clearly rolling down her cheek. Guilt flooded Starburst, leaving her feeling empty. She turned around and bolted, facing away from Artemis as she ran by her.


Tears ran down a little RainWings cheek, mud, thorns, and leaves from plants around her. The water filled her eyes, making it impossible to see.

Pain filled her legs and talons, scratches covered her back, underbelly, and wings, very close to ripping her only form of flight.

A roar of a large cat echoed through the jungle, and the rustle of leaves from a bush behind the little RainWing. The small RainWing, out of fear, backed up through the mud and fallen branches, coming up into a crevice between tree roots.

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