Chapter 11

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The two RainWing NightWing Hybrids burst through the door, where Queen Glory was having an audience with this absolutely ancient looking dragon.

Both gasping for breath, the two dragonets get a vicious glare from both Queen Glory and the dusty old scroll of a dragon. A bright red covered their scales. Deathbringer, sitting on the left-hand side of Queen Glory, on the other hand, had a curious yet concerned look.

"What is the meaning of this, Firefly? Don't you see I am in the middle of the meeting? You know you aren't supposed to interrupt me," Queen Glory fumed.

"Sorry mother," Firefly said dejectedly, looking down and off to the side, avoiding eye contact with her mother.

"No. Not sorry," said Starburst, feeling enraged by how the Queen got upset at her daughter, "I think there is a killer in the rainforest, and they are coming after you."

The room paused in an uncomfortable stillness. Everyone was frozen in shock. The birds outside and the wind seemed to have silenced, as if they were all reeling from the shock.

The silence was broken by a panicked and angry NightWing bursting from his position next to the Queen.

"There is a killer after Glory!? Why didn't I know about this sooner?" Deathbringer burst out. He seemed to have unconsciously inched closer to the Queen, emitting a sort of protective energy.

"You are sure about this? We have had many claims like this in the past, but most of them were false. Do you have proof?" Queen Glory said, with hints of belief in her voice.

Proof? Didn't she just hear me say "I think..."

Starburst took a deep breath, "I don't have any solid proof, but I was in the forest, and I overheard a conversation about killing someone. It sounded important."

The Queen nodded, thinking hard, "Firefly. What do you have to say about this? Were you there?"

Firefly looked up at her mother, "I wasn't there, but I believe Starburst. She is trustworthy, and when she says something that sounds this important, it must be."

Hope and relief covered Starburst like the sun at midday. She was glad that Firefly was standing with her.

Starburst's and Firefly's wingtips touch, sending a feeling of ecstatic joy through Starburst. Starburst fought the colors that were trying to pop up around her scales, but it felt like every time she stopped one scale from turning yellow, another two appeared in its place. Even though she was fighting her scales, she still managed to keep her face strait, so she hoped that no one noticed.

"All right. I will send my best guards to investigate," Queen Glory agreed.

Deathbringer had a small glimpse of panic on his face, "Are you sure that is the best idea? I mean... If there is a killer out there looking for you, you would need your guards here to protect you."

Queen Glory looked over at Deathbringer, and said in the snarkiest tone Starburst has ever heard, "Oh. But I have this strapping, handsome, and clever NightWing who can protect me."

Deathbringer looked offended but still smiled at Queen Glory, "Ouch. I am clever, and the most handsome NightWing you have ever met!"

"Pfft. You keep thinking that. Plus, you know I can defend myself. I did escape that horrible prison on the old NightWing Island after all."

"With my aid, I might add," Deathbringer rebutted.

Glory raised an eyebrow but disregarded the comment. She looked back over at the two dragonets, and then over to one of the windows that let in the light of the setting sun.

"I'll get my guards on it now, plus it would be nice to breathe without others being all over me like sloths. Bloom! I need you in here."

Out of whatever nasty cave she crawled out of, she appeared right behind the dragonets, towering over them, and brushed right past them, pushing them both apart. The room got covered in a sudden chill, and Starburst felt on edge. Something wasn't right, but she couldn't figure it quite out.

Bloom bowed down, "Yes, my Queen? You called me?"

Queen Glory nodded, letting Bloom stand back up. Bloom has never looked more intimidating than what she looked like at that exact point. She had a fierce face, her shoulders squared, and standing at attention. No wonder she rose through the ranks so fast.

"I need you and your most trusted companions to lead an investigation about a potential killer in the forest."

She bowed again, "Yes, my Queen. Right on it."

Bloom quickly left, nodding at the two guards standing at the sides of the room. Starburst was in such a rush that she didn't even notice them. It slightly startled her to finally notice them.

"I'm going to go investigate, too," Starburst said, walking toward the door. Firefly was about to follow Starburst when her mother intervened.

"Firefly. You need to stay here. I don't need you running off and getting yourself hurt, or worse. I need to keep you with me."

"But mother," Firefly started.

"Don't 'but mother' me. That is an order as both your mother and your Queen. I want to keep you safe love bug."

Firefly sighed, and looked back at Starburst with sorrowful eyes. Starburst felt deep disappointment but understood that Queen Glory wasn't going to budge.

Starburst left dejectedly, but still feeling determined, flew off toward the RainWing village, hoping to get some information out of the RainWings.

She felt a twinge of hatred at the thought of talking to RainWings, but she couldn't think of a better way to get information. Maybe she should get her frie- Clawmates to ask for her?

No. She doesn't need them. She can do this herself. She doesn't need them.

As she started to fly away from the Queen's Hut, she looked back over her shoulder, to see Bloom, standing between her fellow guards, who were all chatting it up, staring at her.

An unsettling feeling sprinkled throughout her, but she couldn't think about it right now.

She still felt like something was off. What was it? She thought hard, so focused that she nearly hit some trees multiple times.

Who could be the killer? It has to be a RainWing...

Could it be... no... it can't be... Can it?

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