Chapter 10

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Starburst woke up, gasping, and clawing at the leaves below her. She was trying to catch her breath, and stop her body from the uncontrollable shivering. Firefly shifted as Starburst wriggled around. Starburst slowly freed herself from Firefly, gently placing her head against the leaves.

She was about to jump off of the branch she was on, when she hesitated for just a moment, looking back at the resting princess.

No time for this right now Starburst, just look ahead and take your time. Calm yourself down. You will be back before she wakes.

Starburst leaped off of the branch and took flight, just flying in any odd direction. She was flying for what felt like an eternity, trying to calm her jumpy nerves, when she got the sudden feeling that she needed to land, and needed to hide.

Her instincts kicked in, silently diving down toward the jungle floor, and diving behind one of the tree's shadows, and turning invisible. She shallowed her breath to be nearly silent, letting the noise of the jungle hide her breath.

She sat there for a while, just listening, waiting, when she heard a slight difference in her environment. It was quiet, but her keen ears managed to pick up the whooshing sound coming from behind the tree she was hiding behind.

There was a quiet stamp in the moss on the other side of the tree, followed by quiet mumbling.

"Arg. This better not take too long. I don't need anyone to notice." The voice sounded distorted, not dragon like whatsoever.

Notice? Notice what? What is going on over there?

Starburst slowly crept around the trunk of the tree to get a better look, but she couldn't get a clear view. There was a bush in the way, blocking the majority of her view, but she could make out hints of red and orange.

Is there another SkyWing? Why is there a Skywing here?

She would try to get a better look, but she would probably get spotted or heard, before she could get a good look. She would have to settle for where she is.

She waited there for a few minutes, listening carefully, when the sounds of wings beating the air filled the jungle. Another dragon landed, this one brown and copper colored, but with the same sort of distortion in her voice.

"How is it going? You enjoying the lush jungle?" the MudWing said.

The SkyWing (maybe) proceeded to growl and say, "Don't mock me with small talk. Just get to the point. What is my mission. I don't have all day."

The MudWing shifted on their talons grumpily, "Your progress with the target? What is your status?"

"I am close. I have a good position to take them out. Not quite yet, but soon. The Queen must be patient."

"You better make it quick. The Queen does not like to be kept waiting..."

The MudWing turned and stomped away before the mystery dragon could say anymore. There was a slight growl, still sounding distorted, but then there was a woosh of cloth, and all of a sudden the dragons voice became clearer.

Starburst tried to shift to get a better look from her current position, but she slipped, causing a small rustle. She landed on her face, and on her side, but she stopped herself before she could continue to give away her position.

The dragon whipped around, "Who is that!? WHO GOES THERE?"

The dragon looked around in her direction for what felt like an eternity. Starburst, still lying in a horribly uncomfortable position.

The dragon came in close, inspecting the very place she was lying.

Can they see me? Have I been found?

A quiet shout echoed off of the trees from a while away.

"Starburst! Where are you?" the voice shouted.

They mumbled something unintelligible, before flying off also. The weird thing was, when Starburst was watching the dragon fly off, all she saw was empty air. Empty, other than a small ripple in the air.

A massive wave of shock flooded Starburst like a storm of birds taking flight all at once.

The... dragon... the dragon was a RainWing!

Starburst scrambled the moment she thought the dragon was out of earshot and bolted toward the village.

She needed to tell someone. Anyone! There is a killer in the Rainforest Kingdom! She may not see this forest as her home, but she does not want to see the only home she has ever had be destroyed!

"Starburst!?" the voice was closer, and now was starting to become more recognizable.

"Firefly!? IS THAT YOU!?" she shouted into the distance, hoping beyond hope that the killer was not nearby to hear.

"Starburst?" Firefly called out, not far anymore.

Firefly landed and ran alongside Starburst. Firefly's scales were colored a deep purple with hints of green on her ruff and underbelly. Her face had a look of concern on it.

"Which way to the village? I need to get there now!" Starburst asked Firefly as they ran along the forest floor.

"This way," Firefly said, turning slightly to the left, "Why? Did something happen?"

"Yes. I need to tell the Queen... Now."


Starburst looked over at Firefly, who was now covered in green, with a serious look. She needed to tell someone. Starburst didn't want to cause a panic, but she also needed dragons to know about the danger.

"Ithink there is a killer in the jungle," Starburst said, "and I think they arecoming for the Queen."

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