Final Announcement

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I did it! I finished my second book! I can't believe I actually managed to do it. This book gave me a TON of writers block, and that plus my horrible schedule meant I struggled to write this in a timely manner. I honestly don't think this is my best writing I have ever done, especially in some parts, but honestly, I still love this book. This is also my first LGBTQ+ character ever and I am not entirely sure if I did the whole lesbian thing write, considering I am a straight male, who was born male. I kinda just guessed on what it is like based on my own experiences. My thought process was "love is love" but let me know if I did it right or wrong.

I am not sure when the next book will start coming out, or what I am titling it, but I can tell you it is from Boris' point of view. 

Also, quick shout out to @Lich-Lord101 for commenting. It was nice to know that people were actually reading my books still.


Word count: 37,985

I redesigned Starburst's character arch slightly while writing and had to go back through the whole book to fix it.

I found out that every character I have made so far has some kind of mental/emotional issue... oh well.

I also have been planning on redoing the book covers in my personal art style. If you want to watch me redo them in a timelapse, I will probably (maybe) post it on my youtube channel.


What you are about to read my count as a spoiler, but it helps explain some events in this book. It may count, because it becomes a major part in a future book, but if you want to make more sense of what happened in this book, read it. You have been warned.

If you want to skip the spoiler, scroll down until you hit the line at the bottom

Starburst is a half NightWing, half RainWing. She has limited future vision power, due to her being a hybrid and because she was hatched under debris in the fire. 

Also, if you didn't catch it... the strange RainWing she saw in the RainWing Village when she blacked out. That was her mom. Honestly if you didn't catch it... HOW!?


Anyway, thank you for reading my book, and I will see you all later. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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