Chapter 1

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Starburst HATED the rainforest. To her luck, she was now being forced to go there because her stupid clawmates decided to be stupid and chase after a stupid ASSASSIN! The SkyWing is gone. Why should they keep worrying about them if they aren't bothering them anymore? Why did her clawmates want to chase after someone who can kill them faster than they can blink?!

To make matters worse, the stupid NightWing can read her MIND! SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING! THAT STUPID NIGHTWING KNOWS ALL OF HER SECRETS!

What does she think about her? Does she think she is stupid? Does she think she is lonely? Maybe she thinks she is mean. That NightWing better think she was mean!

Starburst growled low in her throat, trying to hide any hint of distress or anger from her clawmates. Wait... Why was she trying to hide this from her clawmates? She doesn't care about them.

"Are you okay Starburst?" a timid voice said from behind her left shoulder. Starburst whipped around, baring her fangs at the speaker. A shadowy figure fell backward.

"Don't hurt me!" the voice cried quietly. That voice was familiar. Arg! It's that STUPID NIGHTWING!

"What do you want NightWing. Couldn't you see I was busy!?" Starburst growled.

"You looked like you were just walking down the halls to me," Artemis said, but then backed down again as Starburst gave her a deadly glare.

Starburst turned around and continued walking down the halls of the school. In full truth, she was just walking around. She was walking around, trying to avoid her clawmates and give her time to THINK! IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK!

Artemis caught up to Starburst which was aggravating. Avoiding everything should be easy. She does it every day. What did everyone think about her? Did they think she was working with that SkyWing assassin?

Stop focusing on what they think about you! You don't care what they think about you! You are strong, smart, and fierce. You don't need anyone else.

She told herself a million times this exact line. When you are an independent, strong dragon, you don't need anyone but yourself.

She sped up a little bit, trying hard to avoid everyone's stupid smug faces and judgmental eyes. What's so great about them anyway? They are all probably just a bunch of spoiled brats who would turn on you the second you did something they didn't like. She doesn't need friends.

Even at her faster pace, the aggravating mind reader, who probably is judging her that very second, still was walking next to her.

"I asked if you were okay," Artemis said cautiously.

"None of your business, NightWing."

She is probably one of those stupid NightWings from the village.

Unconsciously, she reached toward her neck pouch that held all her small personal belongings (which were few in number anyway) and the one thing that is supposedly protecting her from that dumb mind reading.

Skyfire. The one protection against mind reading. The one thing keeping my secrets safe.

They walked in silence for a little bit. The silence felt very awkward to Starburst because she was constantly used to the sounds of the rainforest, and loud annoying dragonets that think they are SOOOOO great.

Just up ahead, Starburst spotted that SeaWing. He clearly looked nervous about something. He was fidgeting with the small holes in his armband and was mumbling something under hid breath. In all truthfulness, he looked like the dragon embodiment of a puddle.

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