Chapter 14

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Starburst managed to keep herself stable, to keep herself from falling out of her tree, her shifting talons scraped against the bark. Luckily for her, it was only a quiet scrape. Unluckily for her, she also alarmed the cloaked dragons below her, who all fell silent and looked as though they were listening for her.

She held her breath, cursing at herself in her mind. She turned her scales invisible and held as still as possible. She knew that if they were trained right, she could be spotted, even when invisible like she was. Eons seemed to pass before they finally stopped looking for her. They whispered a few more things that Starburst couldn't catch, and then left.

They scattered throughout the rainforest, but Starburst stayed stiff in the tree, breathing as silently and as shallowly as possible, hoping that no one was still secretly looking for her.

A long, long while after, she finally broke her stillness and slowly made her way back toward the village, keeping a close eye and ear on her surroundings to ensure that she wouldn't be caught off guard.

Every little twig snapping and leaf brushing spiked Starburst's anxiety. It was an excruciating amount of time before she finally made it to the center of the village. She was shaking, and she could swear that everyone within the village could hear her heart beating.

Should I go tell the others? No. I should NOT do that. They will just get in the way... but maybe Diamondback can help. He is smart. No. I don't need help.

The sun had only just broken the horizon, rays of sunlight bursting between leaves, mist from the evaporating dew enshrouded the waking village. It was gross how peaceful the forest felt. There is a GROUP of dragons who are planning a murder, and the forest dared to look this nice!

Starburst felt as though her whole being was filled with pent-up anxiety and anger. She needed to go talk to someone...

She sighed and made her way toward the largest huts in the center of the village. Starburst figured, if she had to tell anyone, it would be best to tell the dragon she trusted most. Probably... Maybe...

Starburst approached the backside of the Royal Hut, trying to find a less obvious way into the hut. Because the hut was in the center of the entire village, it was very public when someone entered the hut. Especially when there are so few dragons awake and flying around the village, so every little movement is noticed and not covered up by hundreds of other dragons moving around at the same time too.

The back side had a large supporting branch covering parts of the hut, which is the most discreet way of entering the hut. Starburst also exploited her RainWing abilities and turned invisible when she got behind the branch, giving the illusion of a seamless transition for anyone potentially watching.

Starburst was not behind the hut, where a few large windows were set up to let in the light. Starburst crept toward the window, letting the wind cover any noise she might still be making. Pure instinct took over, letting her smoothly glide around till she got a good advantage to the window. Starburst could see pretty much the entire room, except for a few nooks and crannies here and there. Right in a warm ray of sunshine, her scales painted yellowish purple, was Princess Firefly.

Holy moons. She looks beautiful.

Starburst sat there for a moment, watching the RainWing princess's chest rise and fall with her breathing, Starburst could hear her heart racing, a warm uncomfortable, yet pleasant feeling filling her.

After a while, Starburst snapped back to reality. She silently slipped her way into the window and sat next to the sleeping RainWing's hammock. Starburst was so close that she could now feel Firefly's breath on her scales. Starburst took another second to let herself feel that strange uncomfortable, pleasing feeling, before deciding to wake the sleeping princess.

Just as Starburst was about to shake Firefly's shoulder to wake her, Starburst got a wonderful, horrible, wretched idea.

Starburst stayed invisible, except for the scales around her eyes, which she turned as bright of a red as she could make her scales. She breathed softly against Firefly's scales, causing the princess to shiver a little, but it didn't wake her.

Starburst then said, in a low growling whisper, "Firefly..."

Firefly opened her eyes a little, to see what was going on, but her muscles were still relaxed from her sleep.

Starburst, looking like she was just a pair of glowing dark red eyes, said in a deep growl, "I HAVE COME FOR YOUR SOUL!"

Firefly screamed and fell out of her hammock, trying to get away from the glowing eyes.

Starburst fell over laughing, finally coming into full visibility, shaking on the floor. Firefly quickly recovered herself and noticed it was just Starburst.

"STARBURST," Firefly yelled, slightly out of horror and shock, but still with a hint of amusement, "What the heck!"

Starburst, fighting to get a grip, said with a small giggle, "Morning, princess!"

Firefly giggled, and said in her classic silly regal voice, "I ought to have you executed."

"Oh, no!" Starburst whined, pretending to be worried, "Mercy, have mercy."

"Oh... I suppose. Mercy granted."

Both dragonets giggled, but the mood quickly dimmed after Firefly asked, "So... what are you doing here, Starburst?"

Starburst sighed, not wanting the moment to end, but it was too late.

"I-I was out earlier this morning, and..."

Starburst trailed off. She knew how Firefly would react to finding out that someone was now hunting Starburst.

"And what?"

Should I tell her? I don't think that was a good idea, but I need someone to help, and the only other dragon who is skilled enough is her...

Starburst remembered back to when she and Firefly were first playing with each other, and Deathbringer was secretly teaching Firefly and Starburst how to be assassins, at least, the sneaking around and spying part. Starburst remembered how Queen Glory found out how infuriated she was, and how she made Deathbringer sleep outside on the balcony of the royal hut for a week.

I should tell her, even if she doesn't take it well. She would want to know. But... she also might be put in danger, and I do NOT want that happening. I can't risk it.

"I was out earlier this morning and I found something cool near the Moon Globe Tree. I wanted to show you later tonight."

"Oh," Firefly said, looking slightly confused. "Okay! I'll come later tonight! See you later Starburst!"

Withthat, Firefly made her way around the Royal Hut, leaving Starburst longing forher company

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