Chapter 25

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She felt something squeeze her talon, and she looked up at Firefly. She was awake now, and looking at Starburst with a silly, and grimaced grin on her face.

"Well, I'm not sorry. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Starburst gasped, and stammered out, "B-But you got hurt, and... and it is my fault. I should have just kept my feelings to myself, because then you would have been safe, and then you would still like me and be my friend... and then..."

She was cut off by Firefly, "No, no. Hush, you. I never want you to hide your feelings from me. I... I know I hurt you," She looked away but kept her talon in Starburst's, "but... I was scared. I was scared that if I told you that... that I feel the same way, we would be happy, but then I would mess something up, and then you would hate me and never want to see me again. I don't think I would be able to live in a world without you with me."

Starburst felt as though her heart was going to burst, "Wh-What did you say? Y-You feel the same way?"

Firefly nodded shyly. Starburst pulled her close, resting her forehead on top of Firefly's. She could live like this. She could live with this feeling forever if she was allowed to.

"I never want to leave you again," Starburst admitted.

"Neither do I, but... you have things you have to do first. I can wait. I'll be here, ready for you to come back, just promise me one thing..."

Starburst nodded, "Anything."

Firefly looked deep into Starburst's eyes, "Don't die. Don't leave me, please."

Starburst knew she shouldn't promise anything she couldn't keep. She was chasing killers... WILLINGLY! But she won't leave her other friends to face them alone. She was probably the best fighter out of all of them.

"I-I can't promise that..."

Firefly smiled gently, and hesitantly pulled away, "I know. You go, be a hero. Your friends need you. I'll wait for you. I can promise that, to you."

Starburst smiled sadly and pulled away. She stood up to leave, slowly walking away. Her heart ached, but she felt a newfound confidence. She had dragons waiting for her. Firefly would wait for her. Her mother would wait for her. However this adventure ends for Starburst, she knew someone who loved her was waiting there.

She walked out the doorway to see Queen Glory sitting by the door and Deathbringer hopping back and forth on his talons. Queen Glory hissed at him to sit still, but she had a loving smile on her face. She turned back when she heard Starburst walk through the doorway.

Starburst jumped when she saw her queen and quickly bowed. "Your Majesty, I-I didn't know you were here! How much did you hear... er... Princess Firefly is awake and safe now."

"I heard everything," Queen Glory said with a smile on her face, "I had a feeling Firefly felt that way, considering all she talked about while you were at school was how much she missed you, but you didn't hear that from me."

Starburst was shocked, "Oh! She talked about me? Really?"

Deathbringer spoke up, saying smugly, "I remember when all you did was talk about me."

Queen Glory rolled her eyes, "Pfft. Maybe about how annoying you were and how all you would do is follow me around creepily."

Deathbringer pretended to be hurt, "Ouch. I was not creepy! I was heroically protecting the most important Queen in Pyrrhia, and you know you love me." Deathbringer tapped his snout up against Queen Glory's.

"I know," she replied.

Starburst was standing there awkwardly, until she finally told the Queen, "I think Firefly would like to see you, Your Majesty."

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