Chapter 21

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Starburst decided to tell the queen. She would know what to do. Starburst bolted as fast as she could toward the village, swinging on branches and jumping through the gaps between the trees. She would have been extremely proud of herself for how fast she was going if it were a different situation.

Pretty much the entire village was asleep by now, the sun had set a long time ago, and it was even darker because of the thunderstorm clouds. She zipped through the village, not really caring about how loud she was. She didn't have time to be stealthy.

She bolted into the Queen's Hut, sliding across the wooden floor, nearly crashing through the wall on the other end. She was panting, her lungs screaming at her. She had a painful stitch in her side, making breathing even worse, but she pushed past it.

She looked up at the Queen's throne and jumped backward when she saw a group of four blood and mud-covered RainWings between Starburst and the Queen. Starburst unknowingly slid into a room filled with the dragons she was just fighting.

One of the guards shouted, "That's the dragon, Your Majesty!"

Starburst looked up in horror as Deathbringer, her former best friend's father, leap at her with a crazed in his eyes at her, and her Queen turn blood red, jumping to her feet.

"Wait! WAIT! No! I have something to tell you!" Starburst shouted but no one could hear her over the roars of fury.

Deathbringer was HUGE compared to Starburst, knocking her over with ease and painfully pinning her to the ground on her back. Starburst turned green and white (-ish. She could only turn dark colors after all) the fear and pain consuming any control she previously had over her scales and emotions.

The Queen walked up, baring her fangs and growling deep in her throat. They definitely did NOT look happy to see her. What did she do? She thought the Queen was fair and kind, so WHY DOES IT SEEM LIKE SHE HATED HER!?

"How dare you!" Deathbringer yelled at her, a noticeable waver in his voice. "You killed my daughter!"

Starburst felt a hole get punched through her. Did Firefly die!? Was Starburst too late!? Why was she being blamed? What are the assassins doing here?

Deathbringer slowly dug his claws into her already cut-up shoulders. Unlike the guards, who were only a little larger than she was, Deathbringer was almost ten times her size.
"I didn't kill her! I promise!" Starburst cried. Tears rolling down her cheeks. She couldn't tell whether it was because of the unbelievable pain she was in physically or emotionally.

"She did! Look at her claws! They are covered in blood!"

Deathbringer kept tightening his grip, tears falling from his eyes, splashing around her. Starburst screamed in agony as his claws cut into her sides and shoulders. She looked over at her Queen, whose eyes were still glaring so hard, it was like she was trying to stab her with her eyes.

"I-I promise!" Starburst manages to squeak out in a raspy voice, her lungs felt like they were being impaled. "I d-didn't k-kill her. I lo... I loved her! I love her! Please believe me!"

Queen Glory's expression softened, and her scales turned blue. She let out a cry of despair.

"Deathbringer," she said softly, he looked over at her, heartbreak written all over his face, "She... she didn't do it..."

He loosened his grip, and Starburst took a huge gulp of air. Deathbringer didn't let go, but his razor-sharp claws were no longer cutting into her. She felt woozy, and she could feel blood dripping from her cuts. The ruby liquid slowly rolled across the floor, making a decently large puddle forming a halo around Starburst.

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