Chapter 6

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She flew through the crisp, chill air, wiping away tears. She didn't have time to cry. She had to get everything ready for the morning.

She glided down to the pine trees below and landed softly on the grass. She looked around, spotting many furry nocturnal animals scurrying away from the big scare dragon.

I'm not going to eat you! Calm down! You are causing such a ruckus!

"Calm down! SHHHH!"

She tried to hush the animals, but of course they all didn't understand.

She growled softly but walked away. She strolled softly through the forest, quietly padding around trying to be careful about waking other animals.

She was still wearing her small pouch that was holding her Skyfire and library stamp. She unzipped it to reveal a small smooth opal, that glimmered slightly in the moonlight. It was a gift from her only friend. The only dragon in the whole universe that she would trust with her life.

Now... She felt as though that trust had been betrayed. She hadn't even seen her friend yet, which made her feel guilty about feeling this way.

She placed the opal back in her pouch reverently, and carefully pulled out a knife with a wickedly sharp blade. It glinted the moonlight around like a little sun, shining and blinding everything it was pointed at. It had a wave like design that was etched into the blade, giving it a terrifyingly beautiful. She has always liked it. This was one of the few precious gifts she has ever gotten.

She swished it around, letting it woosh through the air. She practiced her technique carefully, making sure to judge each of her movements contently.

Starburst practiced with the knife for hours, letting herself work up some sweat. It rolled down her back and face as she tried even harder to perfect every movement she was making.

The sun started to break over the horizon, bringing a bright and cheery red sky. Starburst paused for a minute, catching her breath and slowing her heart back down to normal.

Nothing is going to catch me off guard ever again. I am ready for what comes my way. No matter what.

She nodded her head confidently and made her way back to the mountain. The sun was blinding as it rose from behind the silhouette of the mountain, but Starburst didn't complain. She just kept on powering down toward the main entrance, where she could already see some movement. She smirked a little and turned invisible, and decided to change course to the sides of the entrance instead of the middle. She landed softly and hid behind the large gong. She snuck up toward the group of dragons and sat down next to a SeaWing.

"Do you think she actually changed her mind?" Diamondback asked softly. This is probably the quietest she has heard the rowdy SandWing be.

"I don't know. Maybe she changed her mind back," Boris replied back to him.

"Why would she change her mind back?" Bubble asked, not exactly waiting for an actual answer.

Artemis spoke up, "Well. Something happened last night."

Starburst's eyes turned to slits and she glared at the small NightWing. Of course. Another so called, "friend," betraying her. This is why you don't trust other dragons. They would just take advantage of you.

"What happened?" Diamondback asked his younger sister.

She hesitated for a second, looking around at each of her claw mates and held her breath.

Don't you dare tell them. You will expose me. Don't tell them please!

She begged silently, hoping that somehow Artemis would sense that she shouldn't tell them.

Artemis sighed then said in a quiet voice, "I don't think I should tell you. That would be mean. If she wants, she will tell you when she is ready."
Starburst sighed quietly, letting out a breath she did not know she was holding. Maybe she did have someone she could trust around here.

"Where is she? She is going to make us late." Diamondback said impatiently.

She took this as her cue and she appeared right in between Bubble and Diamondback.

Bubble looked over and yelped in surprise and jumped away from her. Diamondback's face was covered with terror and surprise, which was a hilarious combination. She snickered slightly but managed to keep a straight face.

"Are you ready to go?" she asked everyone, while smiling for the first time in front of them.

Artemis smiled back and nodded a little in approval. Starburst felt happier than she has in a long time.

She looked back over at Bubble who was still hyperventilating loudly and chuckled a little again.

"S-Sorry Bubble," she said with an evil smirk.

"Y-Yeah, no. I-Its fine. I'm g-good," she replied back still looking traumatized.

Artemis giggles quietly, clearly trying to hide it and failing miserably. Bubble blushed slightly but shook it off.

"Okay everyone! It is time to fulfill our destiny. We are heading to the rainforest! Is everyone ready?" Diamondback asked.

Everyone nodded their head once with a confident look on their face. No one said a word. They were all focused on the mission ahead. Starburst felt the weight of her knife and opal rock in her pouch, which was slung carelessly around her neck now. She hoped she wouldn't have to use it, but she was fully prepared to. There was no stopping her. She was ready.

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