Chapter 5

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The classes that day were calm. There was not much to do. The whole rest of the day, in fact, was very calm. It was kind of unsettling. She was so used to the chaos of the school that when it came to be a very nice and slow day, she didn't feel quite right.

"This must be the calm before the storm," Starburst whispered to herself.

She has been in a hurricane's path before. It was exceedingly terrifying. The storm was spotted off the southern coast of Pyrrhia a few days before landfall by some SeaWing villagers. They noticed the large clouds spinning and approaching the rainforest.

Luckily, luckily warned the rainforest and Queen Glory got everyone to prepare. They tied down as many things as they could to the trees and hunkered down for the large storm.

She was very little at the time, so watching branches five times the size of her bash against the sides of the trees scared her.

She shook off the memory and looked back up at the front of the class, where the old SeaWing, Webs, was blabbering on about who knows what. She looked around the room, which now had three tunnels that lead out of the class. This was a result of the school bombing that happened years back.

They wanted more ways to escape the room in case of an emergency, so they built a new room, closer to the Great Hall, and had more access tunnels.

She walked back to her sleeping cave after classes, calmly walking through the halls. She may have felt nervous, but she also felt more peaceful than she has in her enter life.

She felt as though she melted into moss. All was quiet. She looked around, but no one was around. She smiled widely, exposing herself. She was so happy about this.

She was only a few steps further down the hall when she finally heard voices coming down the hall. They were still only in a whisper talking volume, but nevertheless, she wiped that smile right off her face and went back to her grumpy demeanor.

When she arrived at her sleeping cave, it was empty and cold. She shuddered as she entered the little cave and looked around.

She was used to having at least one of her claw mates in there with her. Aella muttering on about something quietly while curled up on her little nook in the back of the cave or Artemis reading a scroll and tapping her claws lightly against the stone side of her bed.

She walked over to her hammock and laid down. She figured that she would sleep until night fall and go collect everything she needed while everyone in the school was asleep.

She shut her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. All the noise around her started to fade, and the world seemed to go farther and farther away from her.


She opened here eyes to find herself bound down to the ground with thick vines. She looked around with beads of sweat rolling down her forehead. Panic started to set in.

She struggled to pull loose from the vines, tugging as hard as she could, but no matter what she tried, all she could fell were them stretching back, forcing her to stay stuck against the floor. Green light shown down on her as it pierced through the thick canopy. It was blinding.

Her scales around certain places started to turn red, which concerned her, because she was not feeling any anger at the moment. The only thing she was feeling was an intense and flooding feeling of dismay and dread.

"Soooooo..." a familiar voice said slowly from behind her head. She could not look far back enough to see who it is, but just by the voice she could tell who they were.

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