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one! be nice, i shouldn't have to say this and i might stop because it's common decency but i feel like the day i stop is the day people decide to act out.

two! this isn't first come first serve but i usually don't set a due date until i get enough applications. i want everyone to have an opportunity to some me their ideas.

three! diversity is a must, and it doesn't limit to physical appearance but also personality, moral alignment, background. i know when people make mutant ocs they usually always have a tragic backstory, i am guilty of this and i don't mind it but i don't want everyone to have one because it's not even a sci-fi adventure fic anymore it's therapy because i'd feel obligated to give all these broken characters redemption arcs.

four! you don't need to have watched x-men to apply but it is recommended for inspiration and it's really cool. also it's important to read the rules, because i feel like people always ignore them at least in my applyfics i've had someone apply but use a password that has nothing to do with what i said. the password is your favorite emoji.

five! pls have neat and detailed forms, if it's hard to read im not gonna read it at all i already have a short attention span so reading is already hard for me but if the lettering is close together that makes it super hard for me. the more detailed your form is the more fun i have reading it and the more likely you'll be accepted. the second password is to post this on your message board or tag three people.

six! if you are accepted i would very much like you to interact and if you aren't accept then i would appreciate if you kept reading and or interact, the positive feedback (or constructive criticism) encourages me to write more, the more fun i have reading comments and theories the more i want to write.

seven! any questions? ask here.


NAME, your ocs birth name goes here.

NICKNAMES, does your oc have any nicknames? if so what are they? who gave them the nickname and how do they feel about it?

PREFERRED NAME, what name do they prefer?

GENDER & PRONOUNS, self explanatory, are they closested or out?


AGE, there's not really an age range for this because i want diversity when it comes to this.

BIRTH DATE, when your oc was born, you don't really have to put the year i'll do it for you if you don't feel like it.

BIRTH PLACE, where they were born.

CURRENT RESIDENCE, where they live current to the plot

OCCUPATION, do they have a job/career? if so what is it. if they're a student you can just put student unless they actually have a job.

APPEARANCE, this is where you can describe your ocs appearance but if you don't feel like doing that you can put a face claim and a backup face claim for your oc. i need things like their hair color/style, their eye color, skin color, fashion style, how their style changes over the course of the story, etc. if you want to be more detailed.

ARE THEY A MUTANT?, self explanatory, is your oc a mutant, not everyone has to be one.

POWER(S) & DESCRIPTION, pls don't make alot of ocs that are overpowered from the start and has perfect control of their abilities. overpowered ocs like this are gonna happen regardless but i want diversity like i said if everyone has the same level then what's the point. just name your ocs power(s) and describe how they use their power, one power can have many variations of how it's used so don't limit yourself but it has to make sense. also it would be helpful if you gave me a link to your source but you don't have to.

STRENGTHS, this doesn't limit itself to powers, im talking about personal strengths like they're a fast learner or their power helps them know peoples true intentions.


LIKES & HOBBIES, self explanatory

DISLIKES & FEARS, self explanatory

PERSONALITY, pls be detailed, i want people with interesting personalities everyone has good traits and bad traits i don't want to see only good or only bad. also how do you think they'll develop over the course of the story/books.

BACKGROUND, what has happened to them
leading up to their current situation, it doesn't have to be as detailed as the personality. i just want to know how your oc grew up, etc.

FAMILY, put your ocs family members and general information about them, like their name, age, status, and just a quick description of your ocs relationship with the family member.

THOUGHTS ON MUTANTS, what does your oc think of mutants? do they like them, hate them, don't mind them, feel indifferent about them or do they fear them? have they ever encountered a mutant, what was that experience like? do they have any family, friends, or partners who are mutants?

THOUGHTS ON MY OCS, jackson is a politician who promotes hate against mutants so many people know who he is. does your oc have a relationship with my ocs? does your oc know jackson or leslie from work, have your oc ever caught clara doing something she wasn't supposed to, does your oc go to school with hugo and were they ever bullied by him? just give an opinion on hugo and how they met him or if they met him through a family member or friend.

OKAY W/ LOVE INTEREST?, just a simple yes or no

LOVE INTEREST IDEAS, just give me an idea of how you would like your love story to play out and the kind of trope you want. what is your ocs type? love interest will be chosen when the cast comes out.

AESTHETIC IDEAS, you can give me a pinterest board or you can name some things that represent your oc.

QUOTES, give me at least three quotes that shows how your oc talks/their way of talking or things they would say.

EXTRA, just extra things you'd want me to know about your oc, their favorite color, what their superhero name would be, etc.

PASSWORD ONE, read the rules

PASSWORD TWO, read the rules but written a second time




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