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chapter four: everything falls into place_________________________________________________

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chapter four: everything falls into place

        "VIC! LOOK AT WHAT THE CAT DRAGGED," Victor looked up from his work to see that his father figure, Andrew, carried a cage with a harlequin bunny in it. Victor could feel that the bunny was in distress as Andrew sat the cage down in front of him.

"Wow, a bunny," Victor said sarcastically as he looked up at Andrew but he seemed to be laughing at a note in his hand. "Okay so it says 'My son seems to have outgrown the bunny and doesn't want it anymore I didn't know what to with it, so I decided to send it to you guys because it seemed a little sick' sincerely senator Jackson Blake," Andrew scoffed at what he just read.

"We're across the country, did the kid not the bunny that bad?" Victor shrugged his shoulders, "What's it's name?"

"It doesn't say," Victor hummed, he opened up cage and reached in to grab the bunny. At first it tried to hop away but when Victor started to pet it gently, it calmed down. "Aw it's okay, I can't imagine how scared you were living with such mean people," Victor cooed at the bunny.

Andrew and Victor laughed at his comment but Victor stopped when he felt the bunny becoming upset. "Okayyy so they weren't mean people?"

"How's it feeling," Andrew asked knowing that Vic could understand the emotions of animals. "It got upset when I called the Blake's mean people."

"Speak of devil, look what's on tv," Victor looked up to see the news showing a clip of the senator's family. They all looked picture perfect as usual, well except for the youngest, who had a black eye and a boxer splint on his left hand. "God what did he do to that kid," Andrew let out a breathy chuckle. Victor knew he was joking but this did look bad on the senator's part and the news only made it worse by zooming in on the unhappy boy.

And when it zoomed in on the kid, the bunny immediately jumped out of Victor's arm and onto the desk he was working to get a better look at the television. It didn't run away or anything, it was just looking, then pretty soon it began to pull on its fur.

That's when Victor knew Jackson Blake might of been lying, the way the bunny was feeling was the same way Victor felt every time he thought about his parents.

The bunny was homesick.

          SAOIRSE WAQAS DIDN'T WANT TO BE A MUTANT. She didn't like feeling like a burden to her parents, she didn't like hearing people's mean thoughts, and she most definitely didn't like waking up in random places.

She was shook awake by some kid who said he waiting on his bus. And when she asked where she was he replied, "Uh around Beacon Hill," Saoirse whined when he said that. She ended up in Seattle again.

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