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chapter one: detention __________________________________________

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chapter one: detention

         "SAY IT YOU PERV!" Hugo's face began to turn red as he struggled against Sherl, trying to pry their arm from around his neck. Hugo wouldn't say he had the worse luck in the world because he often got into fights with Sherl but this time he was convinced he wanted to kill him.

"I said say it! Say 'I, Huey Blake, am a pervert who likes to look at half naked people in the locker room,' " Sherl said as he tried to tightened his hold. "I wasn't the only one!" Sherl scoffed at the weak argument.

There was a spot in the gym that let students have a peek into the girls locker room. Hugo's friend and teammate, Ricky, discovered it and decided to show Hugo and another one of their teammates. Hugo was hesitant because he knew if his sister found out he did something like that she would go on and on about how "even lesbians don't objectify women like that" or whatever, but he followed along nonetheless. Everything was okay, most people noticed but they didn't say anything because everyone did it, that was until Eira heard Hugo comment how he thought Sherl had a "nice rack" so obviously she would tell.

But she didn't expect Sherl to confront him right away... in front of everyone.

"Get off, psycho," Hugo said in a strained voice. Eira looked around nervously, everyone gathered around cheering them on to continue fighting while Hugo's friends stood back knowing that their friend was beyond help at this point. "Okay everyone back up," Eira sighed in relief when she heard the coach's voice. As everyone backed away and gave the coach a good view of what was happening, he laughed at the situation.

"Can't catch a break, can you Blake?" Hugo glared at his coach, pushing Sherl away who loosened his grip. "Okay you guys know the drill, office now!" Sherl dusted off his gym shirt before walking out with Hugo following not too far behind.

"Asshole," Hugo said as he bumped shoulders with Sherl causing them to bump shoulders back but harder. It soon became a competition all the way to the front office.

DALLAS DIDN'T KNOW WHETHER TO LAUGH OR BE CONCERNED WHEN HUGO EXPLAINED WHY HE WAS IN THE OFFICE. But his first instinct was to laugh so that's exactly what he did and pretty soon Sherl joined him. Dallas had a free period so he often volunteered to help out in the office, so he wasn't surprised to see Hugo or Sherl when they showed up. "Are you serious dude? Who says something like that?" Hugo huffed before leaning on his fist, "I said he had a nice rack, that's supposed to be a compliment, it's not my fault he's ungrateful!"

Dallas squinted his eyes at his best friend while shaking his head in disbelief, "I don't think dudes like when other dudes say they have a nice rack," Sherl nodded in agreement, "Yeah it's super weird dude." Hugo glared at the two boys as they started up laughing again, he then threw his hands to his chest, "If i had big jugs on my chest, I'd want someone to say i had a nice rack—" This caused Sherl to slap the back of Hugo's head, hard.

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