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tw: talks of male puberty

chapter three: the five stages of discovering you're a mutant______________________________________________

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chapter three: the five stages of discovering you're a mutant

THERE ARE FIVE STAGES OF GRIEF. Hugo always believed it was a load of crap but after denying being a mutant for so long, anger only seemed natural to him. He woke up in the shittest mood possible.

"Where's your pants?"

"I just fucking woke up Clara, I don't feel like getting dressed yet," Hugo said aggressively as he flopped down at the kitchen table. "Hugo language," Hugo rolled his eyes at his mother which caused her to stare at him with concern. She gently touched his hand, "I understand, going through puberty is hard, your body is going through so many changes," Hugo snatched his hand away and looked his mom with an embarrassed face.

Clara let out a small laugh, "I'm glad you don't like a squirrel anymore, your voice is a little deeper today," this caused Hugo's eyes to widen and gave her a small half smile, "Wait really?" Clara nodded her head. "How are you feeling today?"

Hugo's smile began to drop and then he remembered why he was upset this morning, he shrugged his shoulders and played around with his food. "I know this is weird and all but if you wanna talk to any of my mutant friends I'm—," Clara was cut off by Leslie loudly clearing her throat, when the siblings looked at her she was pretending to smooth out the place mat under her plate.

"Hugo I think you should go get ready for school, you don't want to keep Dallas waiting." Hugo wasn't up for eating anymore anyway so he listened to his mom.

When he got to his room who pulled out some baggy jeans and a t-shirt, after pulling out his clothes he ran over to his window and opened it only to see Dallas walking around his room with no shirt on. Hugo quickly turned around and rubbed his face that was starting to heat up, why he was feeling this way after seeing his best friend shirtless he had no idea.

"Yo, Hugo!" Hugo turned around to his Dallas with his window open as well... and he was still shirtless. "Put on a shirt weirdo," Hugo said with a scowl on his face, Dallas laughed and then teasingly ran his hand over his chest, "What? You don't like what you see?" Hugo's brain stopped working and he was unable to control his face turning red. "Whatever just hurry up outside!" He slammed his window shut and closes his curtains before Dallas could even answer.

For the first time in his life Hugo needed a cold shower.

DID HUGO PROVOKE TOPAZ CARTIER MULTIPLE TIMES TODAY? Yes. Did he act surprised when she threw a crystal dagger at his locker? Yes. Were they now fighting in the hallway with a crowd surrounding them? Yes. Were people cheering for Topaz to kick Hugo's ass? Obviously.

Usually their interactions would be Hugo berating her, then she'd show she wasn't scared of him, they'd usually yell for a little bit and then the real magic happened when Hugo pushed her. But this time when Topaz threw the dagger Hugo skipped the chitchat and punched her in the face.

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