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chapter five: the beauty of it all ________________________________________________

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chapter five: the beauty of it all

EJ WAS SURPRISED TO SEE HUGO HANGING OUT WITH HIS SISTER. Clara had invited Ej, Mia, Nasim, and Imani over to hang out since her dad was at work, her step mom was somewhere quiet drinking by herself, and Hugo was supposed to be at school. But when he got there Nasim and Imani were there but Hugo was definitely not at school.

He was sitting beside Clara on the floor playing with her hair while watching the television. And when Clara noticed Ej and Mia were there all she said was, "Sup," which Ej returned. He silently sat down next to Nasim who gave him a small smile before going back to watching whatever was the TV. Mia quickly focused on the cartoon that was on the screen.

"So did Hugo not have school," Ej said trying to casually address the elephant in the room, Nasim and Imani sighed in relief. "I'm so glad you said something first, I wanted to know that too," Imani said as Nasim nodded silently.

"Oh why didn't you guys just ask, he did have school but he's out sick today," Hugo didn't look sick, if anything he looked completely fine as he used Clara's hair to make a mustache on his face, pursing his lips.

"He got a cold or something?"

"No poor thing got his bunny taken away and had a panic attack this morning," she said casually as her friends looked at her confused. "So your mom is fine with it," Nasim asked.

Clara pointed behind her and when Ej looked he saw Mrs. Blake sleep at the table with a glass of brown liquid in her hand. "So he's trying to adjust to not having a pet anymore," Ej asked.

"No Patches was technically his emotional support animal but Jackass took her away because he found out Hugo could talk to animals," Clara said picking up the remote to flip through the television channels.

"Animals? What happened to the plants," Nasim asked in a confused tone.

"Here's the cool thing he can talk to animals and plants apparently."

"I don't see what's so cool about it, when dad found out he beat me with his belt."

"Sorry that happened to you Hugo," Nasim said in pity, "It's okay," Hugo said softly. Ej looked at Imani who held the equally same confused face as him. Talking to animals and plants? Emotional support bunnies? Ej was seriously so behind.

"Okay, okay, okay, hold on," Ej said causing everyone to look at him excluding Mia who was now coloring on a sheet of paper, "If Hugo is talking to things that don't have voices and having panic attacks shouldn't he be in therapy or does your dad not believe in that?"

"Oh I forgot to tell you guys, he's a mutant, we literally just found out like a week or two ago," Ej blinked multiple times when Clara announced that. He then let out a humorless chuckle, but it quickly turned into a fit of laughs as everyone looked at him funny.

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