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chapter eight: some connections never die _________________________________________________________________________________

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chapter eight: some connections never die


"I guess."

"There is no guesses, there's only a yes or no."

"Then yeah... I guess."

"Well that's a better response than I expected," Clara sighed and plopped on Hugo's bed. She had picked him up from Dallas's house early in the morning after Jackson went to work and explain why he didn't come home the night before. She didn't say anything else after that not when he looked the way he did. "What happened," she asked.

Hugo furrowed his eyebrows, she could tell he was upset, "He basically said I should kill myself because I was a mutant," Clara blinked in surprise, "Woah, did he really?" Jackson was a lot of things and predictable was one of them but she didn't expect for him to say something like that. "Well not really," Hugo confessed, he then explain how the whole event went down.

Once the story explained, Clara nodded in understanding, "That makes a lot more sense, he was trying to show off while keeping you in your place but also trying to hide the fact that you're a mutant from his politician friends."

When she the sad look on his face she couldn't help feel bad, he looked like an abused and wounded puppy. "How about you hang out with me and my friends today," Hugo's eyes lit up, "Imani?" He asked but was quickly shut down when she told him that Imani had to take Mia to a doctors appointment. "But EJ will be there," Hugo physically gagged.

Clara rolled her eyes, "So will Nasim, Alex, and Marcela," It was Hugo's turn to roll his eyes. "I thought Alex was in jail."

"He got out."

"Why would I want to hang out with my spanish tutor when she's not tutoring me spanish?"

"Because she's nice, funny, and I need you to be my wingman," Clara stood and walked towards her room to get ready. "Why do you have to be such a lesbian all the time?"

"Why do you have to be so gay all the time," before Hugo could yell in protest, Clara closed the door, hearing his muffled scream.

HUGO AND EJ WOULD PROBABLY DISLIKE EACH OTHER UNTIL THE END OF TIME. At least that's what Hugo thought, he use to be scared of Ej when he first met him and he would be lying if he said he still wasn't a little scared of him. But soon Ej began to dislike Hugo because of his attitude while Hugo disliked Ej because he had a baby with Imani. Despite that though the real reason Ej got under his skin so much was because he was practically the male version of Clara.

Ej practically had his head in the window of Clara's car while he was talking to her, the group decided to meet up at the park. Clara and Hugo were late because Clara decided to pick up Nasim claiming that he was good company to have while driving even though he only spoke softly throughout the ride.

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