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chapter six: there's something strange going on with hugo blake _________________________________________________________

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chapter six: there's something strange going on with hugo blake

MAYBE IT WAS THE WAY HE TALKED. The way he was so nonchalant about everything and how uncaring he was when people bothered them. Or it could of been his face, his soft skin, his blank expression that often held no emotion. Hugo wanted to see him smile; ironic isn't it? The boy who does nothing but torment him wants to see him smile. He wanted to be the reason he'd smile, he wanted to be the reason he was happy. He wanted to be able to make someone happy. He wanted to hold him despite what others would say but he was scared. Scared of being different, scared of other peoples judgment, scared of what his dad would say, scared that no one would love him because of the things he's done.

Hugo doesn't remember when he started feeling this way about Calix, but he knew that he'd never tell him how he felt.

Hugo stands in front of Calix with his arms crossed and deep frown on his face. They were sitting down on the ground, leaning on the fence that separated a park from the school, a lot of kids came out here during gym class because even although it was near the football field, it technically wasn't school grounds.

"You could get in trouble for this weirdo," Calix shrugged but frowned as Hugo snatched the cigarette from his lips. Calix blew out the smoke in his mouth and squinted his eyes at Hugo, watching him closely causing Hugo to shuffle nervously.

Without thinking Hugo put the cigarette to his lips and took a long drag. Just the other day he refused one from his sister, now he took Calix's cigarette and he didn't know why. Was he trying to impress him or did he just want to see what was so good about them?

Whatever the reason was it backfired on Hugo, he breathed in too much smoke and he began to cough. He did this for a couple seconds before he calmed down, when he looked back at Calix, they had a small smile on their face but they tried to hide it by rubbing their nose and looking away. This caused a small smile to grow on Hugo's face as he sat down beside him, hanging him back his cigarette.

Calix tensed up at first but slowly relaxed causing Hugo to frown a little, it was obvious why he tensed when Hugo got close. Hugo opened his mouth to apologize but quickly closed it realizing that he might look stupid for apologizing so suddenly. Calix looked at Hugo, "What do you want?" He asked warily causing Hugo to shake his head, "nothing," he replied accepting the cigarette Calix handed back to him.

Hugo played with his fingers in a nervous manner looking at the ground only looking up when Calix handed him back the cigarette. When Hugo glanced at him, he noticed a book sitting under their legs with a flower sticking out of it. "Do you like flowers or something?" Hugo asked breaking the silence. Calix nodded as Hugo coughed a little slowly getting use to the smoke filling his lungs.

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