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chapter nine: a desperate man's cry for help________________________________________________________________________________________

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chapter nine: a desperate man's cry for help

       "I KNOW THE LAST TIME WE SPOKE I DIDN'T PARTICULARLY MAKE YOU HAPPY BUT I DO APOLOGIZE FOR MY WORDS AND ACTIONS." Hugo and Clara were sitting at the top of the stairs out of site as their dad spoke to Mr. and Mrs. Waqas, a couple that use to plan events for them until Jackson made an insensitive remark about their mutant daughter.

"What a load of crap," Hugo mumbled under his breath causing Clara to let out a small giggle. Hugo hasn't talked to his dad for a couple days, but it's not like he cared, he just assumed Hugo was going through a phase  but it wasn't a phase. Hugo despises his father; he thought every interaction they've had up until now and realized how dumb he acted just to please a father that didn't care about him.

"What makes you think we'd want to help you, your words against mutants were hurtful enough but then you had to insult our daughter?" Mr. Waqas said glaring at Jackson who gave a fake solemn sigh, lowered his head as well as his shoulders. "I can admit I am both ashamed and embarrassed from my words against mutants but I promise, I've changed." Jackson looked at Mr. and Mrs. Waqas as they still didn't seem convinced.

"You see me and my family have been going through a lot right now, we just found out my youngest, Hugo, is a mutant," this seemed to spark interest in them, "It's been a lot to process, my wife's been drinking considering her tragic past with mutants, it's been really stressful for her, I haven't been able to work as much as I use to in order to help her and Hugo, God." He puts his face in his hands as he lets out of a sniffle, a few crocodile tears escapes his eyes. Mrs. Waqas looks at Jackson with sympathetic eyes and reaches out to hold onto his hand which he accepts.

"We understand how hard this must be Mr. Blake," Jackson nods as he wipes away the 'tears', "That's why I called you guys, I've been trying to brainstorm ways to show Hugo my support but it's hard considering my reputation and him becoming more close his sister—," he was cut off by Mr. Waqas. "What's wrong with him becoming closer to his sister?"

Jackson sighs again, "Clara has always been rebellious, she's always found the wrong crowd growing up, one of her best friend's is a convicted felon for christ's sake, she's never made good decisions for herself and I'm just worried Hugo will do the same." This caused Mr. Waqas to nod. "I... I just wanna do right by my family, by my son, I just need your help and support." Mr. and Mrs. Waqas looked at each other before nodding in agreement.

Jackson smiled and stood as he opened his arms as if welcoming them into a hug. They happily complied, "I promise I'll make sure the lives of mutants change for the better," he said rubbing the couple's back.

Clara glared, "He's up to something," she mumbled under her breath. Hugo glanced at her, "like what," he whispered back. "I don't know but it's not as holy as he tried to make it seem." She stood up from her seated position and quietly jogged up the stairs as Hugo followed close behind her.

╰┈➤ yes i know this chapter was extremely short but i promise you the next one will be longer!! the idea jackson has going on rn won't be explored for a few more chapters mainly because it explores the blake family lore (aka why jackson hates mutants so much and why leslie is uneasy by them) and rn i wanna explore other characters.


word count: 566


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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