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chapter two: confessions______________________________________________

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chapter two: confessions

NASIM LOVED CLARA BUT HE COULDN'T SPEND ANOTHER SECOND IN HER HOUSE. They had worked out together, well Nasim worked out while Clara complained about not being up for it after smoking before going into the gym. But she still cheered him on nonetheless despite his embarrassment. They weren't supposed to stay long but Clara picked up the phone when Hugo called and according to her, he got in trouble again and tried to lie about it.

She couldn't pass the message on to Leslie because she wasn't sober enough to remember so they stayed until Mr. Blake got home. But now that he was home, it would be rude for Nasim to leave without Clara considering she drove them there. For the past hour or so he had to deal with Jackson's micro-aggressions, Clara speaking in fluent sarcasm towards her father, and Leslie pretending not to be drunk around her husband. Now he was sitting by the window, trying to find something more interesting to look at outside.

That's when he saw Hugo walking down the sidewalk, he audibly sighed to himself not believing the situation could get worse but then his silent prayers were answered when Clara announced they had to leave. Nasim quickly stood up, he wished Jackson and Leslie a farewell and stood by the door waiting for Clara.

"Wait Clara before you go," Nasim's heart sank at another inconvenience. Clara groaned loudly, tossing Nasim her car keys motioning towards the door before turning back around to talk to her father. Nasim sighed in relief before walking out the door and towards Clara's car. But he stopped in his tracks when he say Hugo across the yard at the Blake's family neighbors house ripping different plants from the ground of their garden.

Nasim knew he could be a brat sometimes but this was a little excessive? Nasim turned back around going into the house, he cleared his throat a couple times to get everyone's attention and when he had it.

"Um Hugo is destroying your neighbors garden," He said sheepishly. The family let out a collective sigh or groan, Jackson stood up from the table moving the papers he was reading, "What's going on with that kid now Leslie."

"Um I don't know, he seemed fine when he left with Dallas this morning," Jackson sighed at her reply mumbling something her needing to pay more attention to him but motioned for her to follow him.

"God I wish he was adopted so we can return him," Clara said as she followed her parents, Nasim had no choice but to follow as a well.

"Okay you little termite stop with the dramatics," Clara said as she grabbed Hugo by his elbow as he was now stomping on the plants he ripped out the ground, only for him to throw his elbow back causing him to accidentally elbow Clara in the face.

"Ow, son of a bitch," Nasim immediately went to check on his friend, she was fine but her nose was turning red. But Hugo didn't seem to notice as he continued to stomp on the beyond dead roses and lilies. That was until Jackson yanked Hugo away from the garden causing him to stumbled.

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