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chapter seven: cry to your mom about it_____________________________________________________________________________

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chapter seven: cry to your mom about it

        "EIRA ARE YOU OKAY?" Eira jumped in surprise when she heard Sherl talk to her. Eira, Sherl, Topaz, Jericó, and Dallas's new friend, Saoirse, were all hanging out at Dallas's house. They decided to go there to have a study session which soon just turned into them talking about things that were unrelated.

"Yeah I'm fine," she said sheepishly rubbing her arms, "Uh Dallas, is Hugo always tending to your garden." Eira was standing by the window for most of the conversation, occasionally putting in her input, but to her surprise when she decided to look out she saw Hugo watering plants in Dallas's garden.

Dallas let out a breathy laugh, "Nah, he just started doing that like three days ago, he said his dad said he either had to do that or stay in his room for the whole week since he got suspended." Eira nodded her head and looked out towards Hugo again, to her it didn't seem like much of a punishment, he seemed to be enjoying himself which Eira thought was kind of wholesome considering his usual demeanor.

"So he got suspended for real? I thought everyone was lying when they said he tried to kill the twins," Sherl said.

"He didn't try to kill them, he just you know," Dallas's sentence was continued by Topaz this time, "Smacked Ricky in the head with a rock," they said in a matter a fact tone which caused Dallas to nod.

"Is Hugo really that violent," Saoirse asked in a worried tone. "He means well I swear, sure he isn't exactly a pacifist but he wouldn't just attack someone for no reason, he told me Ricky was bothering Calix and he defended him." The group looked unimpressed, probably assuming Hugo lied to Dallas. This caused Dallas to sigh, "Clara vouched for him," when he said that the group visibly relaxed except for Saoirse who didn't know Clara.

"Clara is his sister, she's a total badass and way more reliable than Hugo," Sherl said after he noticed Saoirse's expression. She nodded not exactly feeling better but understanding.

"That still doesn't make sense, doesn't he bully Calix," Jericó asked, which Sherl nodded in agreement. "I've never even seen them interact unless Huey was making fun of them."

All Dallas could do was sigh, they didn't know Hugo the way he knew Hugo, sure he wasn't perfect but he's been different recently and Dallas thinks it's a good different. He could even tell by the way his injuries were healing nicely, his black eye went away and it was almost time for him to take his cast off.

Dallas cleared his throat loudly causing everyone to look at him in confusion, "Look I promised my parents I would go to a meeting Hugo's dad is having since they can't go but once that's over I'll bring Hugo over here so he can explain the story to you guys, he's really doing better," the group mumbled an okay.

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