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The next week I train with Rowan before my classes. He doesn't even talk or look at me unless it's a command. I'm trying my hardest, but he's giving me no chances for anything. He only sees me as a weak human. I know he's just trying to get me to quit, but I won't. Just out of spite of that bastard. You want to train me harder than any cadet in history? Then I shall become the greatest warrior of all you angels. When we spare, he constantly hits me with his wings, reminding me I don't fit in. Each day is worse than the first. It's almost as if he enjoys giving me this punishment. I try to say good morning, but he never responds. I even tried to bring him a muffin one morning, but he laughed at me. I don't know what I did for him to hate me so. I didn't ask for any of this.

My classes are terrible as well. Everyone stares at me and watches me fail over and over. Time and time again. I'm the talk of the whole town, and I have no one to talk to. Not that anyone here wants to mingle with a human anyways. I eat my lunch staring out at the woods behind my little house away from everyone else.

The only good part of my day is meditating with Madam Wren. I think it's working for the small vibration I felt deep within my chest has grown and fills my whole chest. My wound is also completely healed now, just a tiny scar on my shoulder. Madam Wren is the only one here whoever wants to talk to me. I love walking into her world away from this clouded nightmare.

That weekend my body is so sore from training I can hardly get out of my bed. My body, mind, and spirit are being drained more and more each passing day. I tried to take a bath to help my muscles, but that couldn't even help. I learned that the training Rowan is giving me is only a few steps down from his own training. The training of a super strength general. His Mother sent a note warning me of his training plans and told me about his rank in the process. A brand-new cadet, and a human one at that, with the training schedule thought out by what I hear is the strongest angel in the army. I see where the rumors came from. I'm sure my training is more pleasure for him than to help me with anything.

Monday morning comes around way too fast, and I show up to training on schedule. Rowan is already setting up today's exercises with a huge smile on his face. The only time I see him smile is from the joy he gets giving me pain. I don't even bother saying good morning because I know he won't acknowledge my existence. The session starts and he begins yelling commands at me. I complete them to the best of my abilities, but when I fall short, he's sure to let me know. We finish the session after two hours and I can barely stand.

"Why hello Gelvian," I hear Rowan say. Gelvian is a stunner who is the second in command for him. She's got gorgeous long blonde hair, and deep blue eyes like the night sky. Her body has been shaped with years of training since she was a child. Not to mention her feminine curves, and chest. I hear she's the best with logistics on the battlefield and has been rumored to be on track of becoming his future general. "Isn't it a glorious morning?" He beams up at the sky, so happy after my daily beating.

"Yes, my prince," she comes around each morning to train with him on battlefield scenarios before their own individual combat training. "How's the human doing?" Gelvian looks down upon me. "You haven't killed her yet, have you?"

"Unfortunately, no," Rowan glares back at me. "You are here early." They leave me alone to go chat before their training. I clean up my weapons and equipment and crawl my way back home to prepare for my classes.

A month goes by of my training. Day in and day out of Rowan harsh training, and Gelvain talking down to me. I have lost two inches off my waist though. Failing in my classes everyday not improving any enhanced skills. Talking to no one throughout the day. Feeling everyone look down on me as I walk everywhere. The only progress I've shown is with Madam Wren. She rebuilds my spirit each and every day. The vibration has grown from my chest to my almost my whole upper body. I keep trying every day for her, because every day I know she convinces the King to have patience with me. I know she fights for me, so I fight for her.

Fallen Angel of LightWhere stories live. Discover now