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             I awake the next morning ready for Aria and me to training. Except there is no training today. I was even so excited about the new drills I had come up for her. Aria's training has come along nicely. Perhaps it's time to move her beyond physical exercise onto combat training. I ponder drills and different weapons in my head as I look up at my ceiling from where I lay in my bed. My schedule is so heavily precise everyday with everything thought out that I really have no use for this time right now. Anything I can think of to do is already on the books for another time slot.

               Suddenly, the events from last night play in my head. Aria looked so flustered when I answered my bedroom door. Almost as if she didn't know it was me who would answer. I definitely was not prepared to see her on the other side of that door. Thinking on it now, it was probably a ruse Madam Wren and my Mother came up with. Plus, that was the time Aria studies with Madam Wren so it adds up to certain possibility. It was amusing to toy with her though, plus Aria's reaction to me shirtless didn't feel half bad. They way her face flustered at the sight of me is a reaction I don't get often. I do my best to make sure no females in the castle can start any rumors with me. Rumors soon turn into truths for some people in these walls.

               At that thought, I hear a knock at my bedroom door. "Awake your majesty?" Jarolt, my main bodyguard, asks me through the bedroom door.

               "Yes, come in." I answer as I stand up from my bed and stretch my wings out. I hear Jarolt open my door from behind me.

               "How did you sleep my young prince?" Jarolt asks me as he closes the door behind him. Jarolt walks over already in his combat gear, same as every day. The white training gear every solider has with a combat hood over top and a layer of light duty armor. Just chest and shoulder plates. Along with his choice of weapon for the day depending on my schedule. Depending on the environment we're in, and the people joining me, Jarolt chooses an appropriate weapon based on possible threats and events.

               "I slept well, how about yourself?" I ask Jarolt as I stroll over to my bathroom to freshen up for the day.

               "I slept wonderfully your majesty." Same answer as every day. Though I know Jarolt stands outside my door every night until he is about to pass out, and barely ever lets himself sleep more than five hours on the long end. "You excited for today, sir?"

               "I mean," I ponder Jarolt's question as I get dressed for the day. "I suppose so." I don't recall anything particularly special about today.

               "Oh please, you haven't had a free day in ages!" Jarolt calls back to me in my bathroom from the main room.

               "Wait, what?" I ask Jarolt as I button up my collar to my training gear. I step out back into my main room. "What do you mean?"

               "Almost all your meetings have been canceled today my prince." Jarolt looks at me puzzled. The same look I am displaying to him.

               "You mean training with Aria?" I straighten my clothes and let my arms hang.

               "No sir," Jarolt looks even more confused. "Your meetings with the Queen, King, and the council have all been cancelled. The only thing on your schedule for today is your own training."

               "What? All cancelled?" I question him.

               "Yes sir," Jarolt hands me my belt and long sword he brings me from my bedside every morning. "Almost all meetings have been cancelled for today in fact."

               "Interesting," I slowly put on my belt and sheath my long sword on my left hip. "Please take me to them."

               "I cannot sir."

               "What?" Jarolt hardly ever tells me no.

               "The King and Queen has requested no visitors today," Jarolt answers me.

               A thought suddenly hits me. "What about Madam Wren?"

               Jarolt seems to understand my line of questioning and chooses his next words to me wisely. "Madam Wren has no appointments today that I know of sir."

               I slowly exit my bedroom and Jarolt follows suit. We walk in silence down the sleeping quarters wing and to the main entrance of the castle. I stop and look around the two grand staircases that lead towards the library and offices among other things. Normally this castle is full to the brim of people coming and going. Heading to meetings, fulfilling orders, greeting guest, and meeting the needs of the kingdom. Today there is only the butler who mans the front door. "You know Jarolt," I say back to him over my left shoulder.

               "Yes sir?"

               "The castle is never this quiet."

               "I can't say I noticed sir," still choosing his words carefully.

               "Has something happened and you're lying to your prince Jarolt?" I look over my shoulder to face him.

               "I am simply relaying the message I've been told your majesty."

               "You're supposed to watch me today, aren't you?" Jarolt doesn't answer me. "Make sure I don't go snooping?" Jarolt continues to not answer me. "Keep me within the castle?"

               "You may go wherever you wish sir." Jarolt wouldn't tell me something unless he didn't know himself. I look over to the butler who has been watching us from the door. Normally I would have been asked if I planned to go outside after standing here so long. Instead, he just stares at the two of us. I take the signal and head up the right staircase towards my own study.

               "No training today?" I ask Jarolt as he follows behind me down the hall.

               "I hear there is supposed to be nasty weather today sir. I wouldn't advise it." What a load of bullshit. I've trained through hail before let alone just some rain. The royal army cares not about the weather. We make it down the hall to my office where I push my way past the two guards into the room. I walk in to see sunny clear skies this early morning out the window beside my desk.

               "Nasty weather you say?" I cross my arms over my chest and look beside me to Jarolt who is looking out the window.

               "Yes sir," he continues. "Awful." Jarolt turns his head to the side to look at me. He knows I'm not stupid. My parents haven't ordered Jarolt to keep me away since we were kids. He's only a few years older than myself, so they never told him why to watch me. Just to do it. Apparently, they do the same towards him now.

              I turn to look back out my office window overlooking the city. "The human?" I question him.

               Jarolt's face breaks into a smile, "What human?" Something has happened. He doesn't know himself, but he's telling me it's something without getting in trouble himself. We've always been very good communicating inside the castle walls without alerting prying ears. Spending nearly every day of your existence with a person, you need to build trust.
               "What human indeed."

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