Wrapped In Bandages

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        I did it. I can't believe I did it! I sparred myself just enough time to not have my head smashed in. Though the fall still hurt like a son of a bitch. I look up at the ceiling in Madam Wren's laboratory. The light wooden planks from the flooring above. Madam Wren and Edward are talking amongst themselves as she is casting a healing spell on me. Madam Wren's palms glow with a beautiful magical hue as they scan my tattered side. I sigh in exhaustion and close my eyes for a moment. I almost fall asleep.
        "Dear?" Madam Wren calls down to me. I snap back into the moment after not paying much attention to what they were saying.
        "Yes?" I weakly answer.
        "I'm afraid," she begins as she worriedly looks to Edward. "I'm afraid I cannot heal you beyond this point."
        "What?" I question as I lean myself onto my elbows and take in my side. My right side is exposed from my torn uniform. It's no longer covered in blood and gashes unlike my uniform. It is now only littered in scratches and bruises. I couldn't even imagine using my arm before Madam Wren's healing spell. I use my left hand to feel the side of my face. I feel no open wounds, but I do feel deep bruising. The feat I'm no longer bleeding is unbelievable, but Madam Wren usually heals me till good as new. The worry that clouds her weathered face concerns me. "What do you mean?"
        "Well, it appears you've started forming a magical force of your own." Madam Wren explains to me, "and it's rejecting mine."
        "Yes, my magic is only having a certain level of effect on you."
        "I thought you were the only one who could wield magic?"
        "Apparently not anymore." Madam Wren gives me a slightly worried smile. "But don't worry! That doesn't mean I'm done yet." Madam Wren darts her small frail frame around the room in alarming speed. Grabbing tools, bottles, canvas wrapping, herbs, and bandages. "Help an elderly woman you old fart," she barks at Edward. His gray bushy eyebrows burrow together as he reluctantly lends a hand in crushing herbs together. Madam Wren proceeds to mix multiple items together into a paste form. She spreads the paste onto a bandage strip. Madam Wren begins to wrap my leg and arm, as well as tape up my side. She carefully applies a few bandages onto my right cheek and forehead. "It will take time, but I'll have you good as new soon. Don't you worry dear."
        My chest feels heavy. I feel slightly energized as well. I couldn't use wind in the area as to not give my abilities away. Though they aren't that great away. However, I felt an urge. Almost a flight or fight response. I felt the elemental energy grow and urge to protect me. I wonder what that means? Maybe I've actually gained some real abilities? I'll have to bring this up to Edward later. I'm in no shape to deal with his insufferable energy exercises. I need some must deserved rest.

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