Battle On

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    Watching from the royal box I have a perfect view of the whole arena. Running to the structure for cover was smart. A small part of me didn't think she'd make it this long. "You know I thought you were crazy," Gelvain starts talking to me, "but she's holding her own out there." Gelvain leans forward to rest her weight on the railing.
    "I agree," Jarolt voices from behind me.
    "This isn't the first time I made a solider out of nothing. Just look at the two of you." They nod in agreement with me. "I will admit, even I am impressed right now."
    "Impressed," Gelvain starts, "that's a hard feat."
    "Ha ha ha," I go sarcastically. I continue to watch. She's smart to not go shooting all her arrows right away. Aria is grabbing some that try to bank into her around the column. Using an arrow in her hand to stab some like a knife. Shooting only when she feels necessary.
    There are three groups right now. Aria, those attacking Aria, and those picking off the others too focused on her. More and more cadets fill the stands below us. Angry at losing their chance to join the ranks. Some it's their first try, and others have been joining the battle for months now. One minute in and I'd say a third is no longer in the fight. Only five minutes in total can still feel like ages though. I hope she can last.
    I walk out of the royal box and down the stairs a few rows. A walk into the middle of a row of bleachers til I get a good view. I cross my arms across my chest. As I watch the battle I notice the old man sitting in the other side of the arena also watching. "Come to enjoy the game," I know he can hear me.
    Some wind comes my way, "perhaps." The elemental answers.
    "I thought you had no interest in such things."
    "I don't," old bastard. " I came to see if perhaps my student suddenly gains some abilities in the face of struggle."
    "Ah yes, I've heard she's had no luck in your department."
    "Yes, maybe she's only good for a few fists apparently." I've had this nagging feeling someone is lying to me. I've noticed no change in Aria though so I don't know what everyone is hoping for. I do know I'm getting left out of more and more meetings, or conveniently arriving late to them. Three minutes left.
I loose my train of thought, and begin to hear the crowd of cadets that have lost the battle. They are cheering into the air and banging on the dome spell. Some are cheering against Aria, and some are suddenly cheering for her. I wonder if she does become part of the royal army if they would join her in arms. See her as more of a human and outsider, or not. I guess I've been looking at her with that same lens as well. The cheering intensives, and I look to see the battle.
With only half the time left only a handful of cadets remain. The cadets are flying high around the dome attacking each other. Apparently leaving Aria enough time to start climbing. Aria climbs up the column she was using as cover, and is now on top the column laying down. Aria hides from the battle, and starts thinking about her next move.
"Think she'll make it?" I hear the elemental in my ear.
"I know she will." I watch as Aria climbs again. Scaling the shorter column to be on top of the bridge connecting the two columns. She steadies herself, and draws her bow. Taking the time the other players have given her by fighting amongst themselves. She aims, she shoots, and one more player is sent out of the ring. The crowd goes wild, and I slightly smirk to myself. Climbing into the battle instead of hiding all five minutes. Aria really is my trainee.

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