six - let's dance

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"ALRIGHT LENNON, I THINK THAT'S ENOUGH NOW," Nancy suggested, steering her best friend away from the punch bowl and towards the party

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"ALRIGHT LENNON, I THINK THAT'S ENOUGH NOW," Nancy suggested, steering her best friend away from the punch bowl and towards the party. She'd lost track of how many cups she'd poured of the drink, but hadn't felt it kicking in until now.

Lennon looked around the living room, scanning the crowd of dancers for the tall boy with great hair. When she finally spotted him, she found him leaning against the wall, engaged in a conversation with a girl she recognized from the pool.

"What's her name again?" Lennon asked Nancy, her words coming out somewhat slurred.

"Who," the brunette replied confusedly before following her friends gaze. "Oh, that's Tammy Thompson. I'm surprised he's still talking to her after what happened at the pool."

"Yeah, me too," Lennon replied with a small frown. Why did she care who he talked to? She hardly knew him. Just because he had helped her the day she moved to Hawkins didn't mean they were meant to be.

The girl shrugged it off. He deserved better than someone like Tammy, but that wasn't Lennon's problem. She downed the rest of her cup and set it down before heading towards the dance floor.

"Let's Dance" by David Bowie poured through the large speakers as Lennon made her way into the crowd, pulling Nancy behind her the whole way.

"What are you doing," her best friend giggled, completely sober as she was pulled into the crowd of drunks.

"Just doing what the song says," Lennon grinned, turning around to face her friend. She held onto her friends hand still and grabbed onto the other before jumping around carelessly.

They laughed as they danced around, holding onto each other the whole time. Lennon was afraid that if she let go, she'd fall. She was starting to feel a bit light headed.

Steve, having made his first trip to the punch bowl, was making his way back to where the crowd was when he spotted Lennon in the crowd. She looked like she was having a lot of fun. He found himself staring, smiling along with her as she jumped around with Nancy Wheeler.

He was still watching, taking a sip from his cup, when he noticed Mark Stevens come up behind the girl. The song was ending now, and he was leaning over to whisper something in Lennon's ear. Whatever he said made her turn right red, a giggle escaping her lips.

Steve knew what an asshole Mark was - pretty much anyone in Hawkins knew that much. But Lennon was new to town and had no clue that the boy had a terrible reputation when it came to girls.

Nancy had excused herself before Mark had approached her friend, leaving Lennon by herself. Steve watched as Mark placed his hands on the girls hips, the smile leaving her face. He could tell she was uncomfortable.

"You must be new to town," Mark had told her.

"Is it that obvious?" She'd asked.

"Yes, but only because I would've remembered a pretty face like yours," he'd whispered into her ear.

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