eight - plumbing problems

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"I DON'T KNOW WHY I CHOSE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE ECONOMY," Lennon huffed during her scheduled lunch break on her first day of work at Bradley's Big Buy

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"I DON'T KNOW WHY I CHOSE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE ECONOMY," Lennon huffed during her scheduled lunch break on her first day of work at Bradley's Big Buy. Being a bagger was the most boring job she could've possibly picked, she'd decided 5 minutes into her first shift.

"Working in this shithole is a fucking nightmare," her co worker, Jeremiah, commented. The two of them were sitting on the counter in the break room, each with a sandwich in hand.

"You know, I don't understand why we're supposed to 'respect our elders' if they don't respect us. Lorianne Sanders called me a word I do not care to repeat simply because I told her we do not currently sell cotton candy grapes," he added, angrily taking another bite out of his sandwich.

"What did the word start with?" Lennon asked with a furrowed brow.

"An F."

"I see," Lennon replied. "What a bitch."

Jeremiah and Lennon had bonded quickly, being the only employees under the age of 35 in the establishment. He was going into his Senior year at Hawkins High, whereas Lennon was going to be a Junior.

Their short break ended and the two of them filed out to continue bagging groceries for a few more hours. Lennon had quickly learned not to bag raw meat in the same bag as literally anything that was not also raw meat after being yelled at by an older woman with a perm. Since then, she had been extra careful about bagging things, and was even worried that maybe she was using too many bags at this point.

The hours dragged on until it was finally 4 o'clock and she was allowed to leave. She had received countless head shakes and caused several headaches and would not be surprised if she was fired by the end of the week.

However, she didn't really care if she held onto the job or not, and was more worried about making it to the library quickly so she could catch Steve for their study session.

Lennon had written his essay for him, which was something she typically wouldn't do for anyone, but it wasn't the only assignment he had needed to complete before the summer was over. He had several other assignments that he needed to work on, and she'd offered to help him.

The more time she spent with Steve, the less he made her nervous. She felt like she was starting to finally get to know him, and she enjoyed spending time with him. She didn't mind helping him with chemistry labs and such if it meant they got to hang out for a while.

When she rode up to the library, the first thing she noticed was the lack of cars in the parking lot. There was only one, and next to it was Steve. He was wearing the sunglasses he always wore, with a cigarette between his lips. Confused, Lennon hopped off of her bike and pulled it alongside her as she walked towards him.

"Are they closed?" she asked, squinting at the door with their hours printed neatly in a large font. Typically they were open for at least another two hours.

"Apparently so," Steve said, smoke pouring from his mouth as he talked. He dropped the cigarette on the ground and put it out with his foot. "Librarian said they're having issues with the plumbing, half the books are covered in toilet water."

"Gross," Lennon scowled. She wondered which books had taken the most damage. The library already had a small selection, there was no way they had the funding to replace them.

"Grody to the max," Steve said with a small smile, pulling the sunglasses off of his eyes. "Anyways, I figured we could go back to my place instead, but if you don't want to that's totally cool."

"I was thinking we could go splash around in the library, but your house is cool too I guess," Lennon said playfully, watching Steve's smile lift further as he pushed off from the car and walked towards her.

"Yeah, well, these are new shoes so, I'm actually avoiding puddles right now," he replied as he wheeled her bike over to the back of his car and placed it in the trunk. "I'm giving you a ride by the way, E.T."

"How am I E.T.?" Lennon giggled as she rounded the car, looking at Steve over the top of the car.

"You ride a bike, he rides a bike, whatever."

"E.T. didn't pedal the bike though, he just sat in it's basket."

"Well, E.T. didn't have legs," Steve replied. They were in the car now, and he was turning the key to start the car.

"E.T. most definitely had legs, and this is not helping your point whatsoever," Lennon said.

"Well, maybe if someone let me write my own essays I'd be better at making clearer arguments!" Steve argued, though his town was playful.

Although they had only known each other for a short amount of time, they already bickered as though they'd known each other for much longer. It was all in fun, though, and Lennon hoped that maybe if they continued like this it would further his essay writing skills. The boy clearly lacked those, she'd found (and was willing to help him better them).

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Steve's house was big to say the least. It was obvious that his family was wealthy, which she could've guessed by his clothes and car, but was most definitely confirmed by the size of his house.

The interior was extremely clean and organized. It looked as though the house was barely lived in. It almost made Lennon feel embarrassed at the fact that he had seen the inside of hers, which was never 100% clean.

"Are your parents home?" Lennon asked out of curiosity. Steve had been watching her nervously, wondering what she was thinking as she looked around the small entry way, peering into the rooms surrounding it.

Steve shook his head, setting his keys on a table near the door. "No, I hope that's okay with you," he said, almost as a question. "They're out of town right now."

"That's okay, I don't mind," Lennon smiled, though it did make her a bit nervous. Still, she followed Steve into the kitchen and over to the pantry. He pulled back the door to reveal a shelf of ingredients and a few bags of chips.

"Uh, yeah, so, with absent parents comes zero groceries, so... this is all I got," he said, stepping to the side to make room for Lennon. "Ta da!"

"I love Doritos," she grinned, grabbing a bag from off the shelf. They were cool ranch flavored, which was her favorite flavor. She looked up at Steve, who was smiling.

"Okay, yeah, great, let's go," he said, lifting the hand he'd been resting on the door way to shut the pantry and lead her upstairs.

Lennon almost thought he sounded nervous. Steve hardly ever stuttered, though it seemed as if that was all he'd done since they'd gotten to his house. Could she have that affect on him?

She doubted it. Pushing the thought out of her mind, she followed him upstairs.

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