"something happens and i'm head over heels"
lennon hart moves to the small town that is hawkins, indiana, during the summer of '83. immediately she is introduced to the ever so charming enigma that is steve harrington. immediately, she is head over...
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"GOODMORNING MY LITTLE ALCOHOLIC," Lennon's mother cooed as she peered through the door of her daughters bedroom. It was early, Donna was aware, but she wanted to make sure her daughter was alright before heading into work.
In her hands she held a tray of her very best hangover foods. She knew Lennon would need them after the way Steve had described the night prior.
The only response she got from the girl was a groan from under the pillow she had pulled over her head.
"Don't be a grump, you're lucky I'm not wacking you over the head with this tray missy," her mother teased, moving closer to take a seat on the edge of the bed. "Steve told me you had a lot to drink last night."
"That little snitch," Lennon muttered, her words muffled from the pillow that was practically suffocating her at this point. It took a moment for her moms words to settle in, but when they did, she sat up quickly. "What do you mean Steve told you? When did you talk to Steve?"
"When he dragged your drunk ass into the house and tucked you into bed. You know, I think I even heard him sing you a lullaby."
Lennon hadn't even questioned how she'd made it into her bed last night. She was more focused on the fact that the room was spinning, even when she shoved her head far into her pillow.
"God, that's so embarrassing," was all she could say, pressing her face into the palms of her hands. It was all coming back to her now.
"I'll let you think on it with a plate of breakfast and some OJ," Donna grinned, patting her daughter on the knee. She set the food down on the girls night stand before adding, "Call me at work if you need anything."
What Lennon needed was a memory wipe. The thought of her getting so drunk she needed to be carried home from a party made her want to scream. The worst part was that she only remembered bits and pieces. She knew Steve carried her out of the party, but remembered nothing after that.
This was just what she needed - to be the new girl who got so shit faced that King Steve had to drag her home. She wondered why he had chosen to take her home instead of just leaving her with Nancy. Had he really left the party early just to make sure she got home safe? Did he go back to party some more once he'd dropped her at her house?
That was the thing, though. He hadn't just dropped her at her house. He'd carried her in and literally tucked her in. Why?
The phone rang before she could even question the situation further. It was all so embarrassing and confusing that she didn't really want to think about it anymore.
"Lennon, I am so sorry," Nancy's voice poured from the phone speaker. "I know what the punch bowl does to people and I should've tried harder to keep you away from it. I'm a terrible friend and I understand if you hate me for letting you get so drunk."