"something happens and i'm head over heels"
lennon hart moves to the small town that is hawkins, indiana, during the summer of '83. immediately she is introduced to the ever so charming enigma that is steve harrington. immediately, she is head over...
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"WHAT AN ASSHOLE," STEVE MUTTERED upon hearing the story of how Lennon got fired. The two were in his room now - it turned out that Steve had only been home from his trip for about an hour before Lennon arrived at his house, so she was laying on his bed as he unpacked his things.
At some point, though, he'd gotten so caught up in the story that he'd paused his unpacking to lean his back against his dresser and listen in.
"I know!" Lennon exclaimed. "I really wasn't that bad at my job either. Like, sure, I didn't do so great in the beginning, but I figured it out!"
"At least now you can work somewhere you actually like," he shrugged. "Like, for example, the library."
Lennon thought about it. She did tend to spend a lot of time at the library, and she had become pretty close with the staff over the short time she'd lived in Hawkins.
"I'll think about it, but that's not the point right now!" She paused for a moment. "Now Jeremiah has to work all by himself again."
"Jeremiah... like, Jeremiah Crowley? From school?" Steve asked, looking down at the floor.
"I think that's his last name, yeah," Lennon nodded. She was laying flat on her back, staring directly at the ceiling. "We got really close since we were the only people working there without a mortgage and kids."
She expected the last part to make Steve laugh, but instead she received silence. She pushed herself up so that her elbows were holding her up, turning her head as she watched the boy return to transporting clothes from his suitcase to his dresser.
"So, are you two, like, a thing now or something?" He commented after a moment, with his back turned to the brunette. She shook her head before realizing he couldn't see her.
"No, it's not like that," she huffed, sitting up now. Jeremiah wasn't exactly into girls, but he didn't want people knowing that either. "He's... dating someone."
Steve nodded, still placing his clothes in his dresser drawers.
"And if he wasn't?" He asked.
Lennon sighed. "If he wasn't I still wouldn't be interested, which totally isn't the point of this conversation at all because I just got fired by a woman hating asshole!"
Steve turned around once more with a smile. Lennon almost thought he seemed relieved, though the reason for his sudden change in emotion was unknown to her.
"You're right, sorry," he said, taking a break from unpacking and flopping next to her on his bed. Lennon followed his movements, the two teenagers laying flat on their backs next to each other.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" The girl exclaimed, reaching into her back pocket. She pulled out the tape she'd made for Steve.
"You made it!" He exclaimed, the excitement causing the both of them to sit up. She handed him the tape, and his eyes glided over the words she'd written at the top. "To Steve Not Steven! That's freakin' awesome!"
"I tried to just put songs I thought you would like but I got carried away and threw in some of my favorites, too," she explained nervously. Lennon had been a bit anxious about giving the tape to Steve because she was afraid he wouldn't like it. The thought of him listening to the tape and cringing made her want to snatch the tape back and say nevermind.
"Thanks, Len'" he grinned, twisting to set the tape on his night stand. She was grateful that he planned on listening to it later instead of right in front of her. "I'll listen to it tonight."
"I guess now you have to come by my house tomorrow so you can take a look at those posters," Lennon huffed, her voice dripping in sarcasm.
"I guess I do," Steve returned with the same tone. "Only because of those posters though, of course."
"Of course," she smiled, the two of them giggling a bit.
They were staring at each other, and it felt oddly intimate. The pair were still smiling, though something seemed to shift suddenly. Lennon felt her eyes glide down Steve's face - it started at his hair, and then his eyes, and then his lips, and then back to his eyes again. She was searching for a reaction, any kind of emotion that would tell her if he wanted this too - if he wanted her, too. He seemed to follow her movements with his eyes, and suddenly the two of them were inches closer to each other than they had been just moments before.
"Steve, there's someone on the phone for you," Steve's mother called from outside the door, startling the two teenagers apart. She didn't try to enter the room, but the interruption alone had caused them to return to their original positions further apart, staring at each other with wide eyes.
"Alright, I'm coming," Steve called back without taking his eyes off Lennon.
Embarrassment seeped into her bones as he exited the room, hurrying to answer the phone, and instead of waiting for him to get back, she hurried out of the room, down the stairs, and out the door.