"something happens and i'm head over heels"
lennon hart moves to the small town that is hawkins, indiana, during the summer of '83. immediately she is introduced to the ever so charming enigma that is steve harrington. immediately, she is head over...
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"WHAT THE FUCK IS A VALENCE ELECTRON?" Steve groaned, studying the paper in his hands closely as he leaned further against his headboard.
"Let me see the paper," Lennon said, leaning forward to grab it from him. They were sitting on his bed with a folder of his assignments and an empty bag of Doritos between them. They'd been working for hours, and both teenagers felt as though their brains were going to explode.
She began to study the paper too, reading the questions with squinted eyes. Lennon wasn't great at chemistry, though she'd taken the class already at her old school. Still, she'd done alright in the class, ending the school year with a B.
"Oh, okay. You have to form a covalent bond between two elements using valence electrons," she spoke, mostly just thinking out loud. "Do you have a periodic table?"
"First of all, none of that made sense," Steve began, waving his hands around as he spoke. "Second of all, do I look like someone who would have a periodic table laying around?"
"Good point," Lennon sighed, placing the paper on top of the pile between them. "Are you tired of chemistry? I'm tired of chemistry."
Steve nodded eagerly, sitting up to grab the bag of Doritos and balling it up before throwing it in the direction of his trash can. It landed in the bin, and the boy fist pumped the air.
Lennon giggled, placing her arms behind her back and stretching her legs out more. She was facing him from the end of the bed, while he was still sitting at the headboard.
"Nancy told me you play basketball," Lennon commented. She still didn't know much about Steve - they'd been mostly focused on school work that neither one of them had really talked about themselves.
Steve folded his arms against his chest and leaned into the headboard once again.
"Yeah, I'm pretty damn good at it, too," he replied with a smile. "You know, they call me King Steve for a reason."
"And why is that?"
"Because I'm awesome," he shrugged, earning a laugh from the girl. There was a brief pause.
"What do you like to do?" Steve asked. "You know, besides reading and, like, helping people with shit."
Lennon looked up at the ceiling, trying to think of an answer.
"I like music," she replied, finally. "Listening and playing it. I play guitar and I can kinda sing."
"Guitar is totally badass," Steve replied. "I always wished I knew how to play. My dad never let me try, though. He wanted me to focus on sports and shit."
"I could always teach you how to play," Lennon shrugged.
"You know, you really would make a good teacher," Steve said earnestly. She realized he was referring to what she'd said the other day at the library when she'd offered to help him. "You're good at explaining things. Like, the way you say things just makes sense."