"something happens and i'm head over heels"
lennon hart moves to the small town that is hawkins, indiana, during the summer of '83. immediately she is introduced to the ever so charming enigma that is steve harrington. immediately, she is head over...
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ABOUT A WEEK HAD PASSED SINCE Lennon and Nancy had gone to the pool. It had also been that long since Lennon had seen Steve, and she was beginning to wonder if that would be the last time she saw him until the new school year started.
It was Independence Day, and Lennon sat in her room reading a book she had checked out from the library a few days prior. It was Firestarter by Stephen King. Nancy had mentioned she was hanging out with her friend Barb today, and Lennon didn't want to bother them.
Her mother had started to get on her about getting a job. She had reminded her that it would be a good way to make new friends before the school year, and she would have money to do things with said friends. Lennon loved Nancy, but she did wish she had other friends to hang out with when her best friend was busy. Nancy had assured Lennon that she and Barb would not get along.
Lennon placed the book down on her night stand before staring out the window for a moment. One thing she enjoyed about the new house was her bedroom. It was a lot bigger than the one she had back in New York, and it had huge windows. She hardly ever used her overhead lights because she always had her windows open. At night, she preferred to turn on a lamp.
She checked her watch for the first time in a while. 2:47 PM. Deciding it was time to get up and do something, Lennon hopped on her bike and took off down the road and out of the neighborhood.
The girl biked until she was in town, surrounded by different businesses that could potentially hire her. She tried asking at the arcade, but there was a singular employee there who gave her the heebie jeebies. When he slipped her an application, his fingers left Cheeto dust on the form. As soon as she left the building, she threw the paper in the trash can outside and hopped back on her bike.
Ultimately, she decided to ask at the grocery store. They'd had a help wanted sign in their window ever since she'd moved to the small town, so she knew it was her best bet. Sure enough, they were hiring - and were desperate enough to hire her on the spot. She would be starting work the next Monday, which was 3 days from then.
By the time she returned home, it was after four o'clock. Her mother had returned to the house as well and was leaning against the kitchen counter reading the newspaper when the girl came inside.
"Whatcha reading?" She asked her mom, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and taking a bite. She noticed her moms furrowed brow as her reading glasses slipped further down her nose.
"There's another missing kid report, says she's been missing since she was 3. Stolen right under her parents nose in the middle of the night," her mother replied, worriedly.
"I thought nothing bad ever happened here," Lennon frowned. That was what her mother had told her several times after she'd declared they were moving. Nothing bad happens in Hawkins.
"I thought so, too," her mom replied, staring at the paper for a few moments more before closing it and setting it down on the counter. "So, you've been gone. Where did you go?"
Lennon grinned, excited to tell her mom about where she'd been just moments before. Before she could answer, there was a bang at the door.
"I'll get that," Lennon said, taking another bite from her apple as she headed towards the door. It seemed she could never eat without being interrupted by a Wheeler.
"Hey," Nancy smiled as Lennon opened the door. Her eyes caught Donna's, who waved from the kitchen. "Um, why don't you come out here for a second?"
Lennon nodded as she stepped out onto the front porch, shutting the door behind her.
"What's up?"
"Okay, so, Tina's throwing a huge Fourth of July party at her place tonight, and I was thinking me and you should go," Nancy said quietly so that Donna wouldn't hear.
"I'm in," Lennon replied immediately. "What time?"
"It starts at eight, but come to my house earlier than that so we can get ready together."
"Okay," Lennon grinned as Nancy headed back over to her house. She opened the door and hurried to tell her mom that she was going to a party and also that she'd gotten a job at Bradley's Big Buy. Then, she hurried upstairs to grab her things before going over to Nancy's.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Pulling up to the party, Lennon had to admit she felt nervous. Nancy had assured her that Steve would be there. "He's King Steve," she'd said. "He never misses a party."
It was still a bit light outside when they arrived, though it was quickly getting darker. Lennon hoped there would be fireworks later.
As the two girls stepped out of the car, in which they'd had to park down the street as it was lined with cars, they could already hear music booming from inside of the house. Lennon guessed that if there were to be fireworks, she probably wouldn't hear them over the music.
The two girls had gotten ready together in Nancy's room. Nancy had lied to her mom and told her she was spending the night at Barb's. They'd figured it would've made more sense than saying the two of them were having a sleepover at Lennon's since she lived right across the street.
Lennon had let Nancy borrow some of her clothes. Lennon was wearing a plain white tank top with mom jeans, while Nancy was wearing a loose fitting t shirt tucked into jean shorts. They'd spent more time on their makeup than anything else.
As soon as they entered Tina's house, Lennon spotted Steve dancing in the middle of the room, a drink in his hand. His hair was slightly disheveled, strands dangling in his face as he danced around. He looked like he was having fun.
"I want whatever he's having," Lennon yelled to Nancy over the music. Nancy laughed as she watched the boy jump around some more, before he caught Lennon's eye. Quickly, he squeezed through the crowed of people and made his way over.
"Hey ladies," he smiled sloppily, running a hand through his hair. He said ladies, as in plural, but was really only paying attention to Lennon. "I was wondering if you'd come tonight," he told the girl.
"I wondered the same thing about you," she said, leaning against the wall behind her. "Nancy said you would be, King Steve duties and all."
"Yeah, well, she would be right," he said, still looking down at her with his sloppy grin. She was tall, but still much shorter than Steve.
Lennon pointed towards his cup. "What's in there?" She asked.
"Oh, it's just water," he admitted embarrassedly. "I just got here, I didn't want to dive straight into the punch bowl."
Lennon smiled at the fact that he had been sober as he jumped around the dance floor. She's assumed he had, in fact, dove straight into the punch bowl. Nancy had warned her about the punch before they left. Apparently whatever they spiked it with was super strong.
"Steve!" Some guy called from behind them, grabbing onto Steve's arm. "You gotta come look at this man, oh my god."
Steve waved at the girl as his friend dragged him back into the crowd of people. She relaxed a bit, and then realized Nancy had disappeared on her. Lennon felt bad for making her walk away, but found her in the kitchen by the punch bowl.
"Sorry about that," Lennon smiled, picking up a cup and dipping it into the bowl. Nancy had scooped herself a cup as well.
"Don't be, I'm happy for you Lennon," Nancy smiled. "He's obviously into you." As she said that, both girls looked into the living room, only to find Steve dancing with some blonde girl. It was always the blonde girls.
"Her, too, apparently," Lennon said, sipping from the cup. Her face immediately crinkled as she pulled the cup away from her lips. "You were not lying about this shit," she coughed, before taking another sip. Then, the cup was empty. Then the next, and so on.