Romance Sucks - Part 1

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Kadence goes on her first date, but it doesn't go how she pictured.

Kadence hummed happily as she bounced downstairs and into the kitchen, giving both of her dads a kiss on the cheek and ruffling both of her brother's hair, before spinning over to the fridge and opening the door.

"Somebody's happy today," Her Papa said from the kitchen counter, and Reki nodded, "Yeaaaah, you're never nice to me."

"Or me," Miya piped up, staring at his sister suspiciously, and Kadence pursed her lips at both of them, "The reason I'm excited, is because I'm going out with Dani today."

"Dani? Isn't she that new girl from school you've been obsessing over since she arrived?" Her Dad asked from his place at the counter beside Papa, and Kadence nodded enthusiastically.

"I've been talking to her for a few weeks now, and yesterday I asked if she wanted to go hit the cafe with me, and she said yes!" Kadence spun around in a circle happily, grinning so wide it felt like her face was about to split.

"Sooo," Her Dad asked, arching an eyebrow as he took a sip of his coffee, "Is this just two girls hanging out? Or it is two girls going on a date?"

Kadence stopped in her tracks, tilting her head as he thought about it for a bit, "I-.. I actually didn't think to clarify that.."


Half an hour later, Kaoru was sitting in his home office, checking and answering emails when there was a quiet knock on the door, and he looked up to see Kadence standing there and looking extremely nervous, "Papa?"

"Yes, sweetheart? Is everything okay?" Kaoru asked, his brow furrowing in concern as Kadence made her way inside and sat down next to him, "Can I.. ask you something?"

"Sure, anything."

"Uhm-.. Ho-How did you know.. that Dad liked guys..?"

Kaoru blinked, then he stressed his lower lips in between his teeth before asking, "Is this about Dani?"

Kadence nodded, and her face paled as she began to vent, "I-I mean, when Dad asked me if today was supposed to be a date, I suddenly realized that I didn't even ask her, and I-.. Oh god, I-I don't even know if she likes girls!"

The teenager stood up and began to pace around Karou's office, burying her fingers in her hair as she continued to panic, "Oh jeez- Wha-What if she DOSEN'T?! I don't wanna be the bi girl who asked out the straight girl thinking it was a date! T-That's such a TROPE! I'd be humiliated forever, I'd have to switch schools! No, maybe even switch islands!"

"Whoa, okay, calm down," Kaoru grabbed her arm the next time she passed him, gently pulling her back down to sit, "You're stressing yourself out overthinking this.." Kaoru paused, "But, I get it."

Kadence looked up at him, surprised, "Y-You do?"

"Yes, of course I do," Kaoru chuckled a bit, "I think everyone who likes people of the same gender has had the exact same issue you're having right now."

"Really?" Kadence asked, tilting her head in interest, and Kaoru nodded, "For me it was your dad, when we were still friends I was still.. figuring myself out.."

He stressed his bottom lip again, thinking back to those already strange years becoming even stranger, when he realized he wasn't into girls the way the other boys he hung out with were.

"I wasn't sure if he liked guys.. but I knew I liked him," Kaoru continued with a shrug, "So, I suppose I just took a chance."

His daughter's face was blank for a few seconds, then it broke into a look of complete hopelessness as she wailed, "BUT I CAN'T AFFORD TO TAKE A CHANCE, I HAVE A REP TO UPHOLD HERE!"

".. A rep?" Kaoru asked doubtfully, and Kadence nodded rapidly, "YES! I'm popular at school, Pa! Everybody knows and adores me, and I can't afford to do anything that'll mess that u-"


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