Morning Breath

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Kaoru can't sleep, so he bothers Kojiro. Kojiro just wants to sleep, so he decides to help his husband out.
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At 8:00 AM, Kaoru held himself above Kojiro, straddling the other man with a hand on either side of his head, and staring at his sleeping husband with an annoyed look.

Why couldn't the gorilla go on and wake up already?

It was unusual for Kaoru to wake up before Kojiro, in fact, it was unusual for Kaoru to be up at this time at all. But for some reason, he'd been finding it difficult to sleep these last few nights. He'd ignored it at first, opting to keep his eyes shut anyway, but today he'd given up and decided to sit up for a change.

Kojiro always let him sleep a bit longer.. But Kaoru was bored.

The pinkette pursed his lips, slowly reaching up and tapping Kojiro's nose with his index fingertip, light enough where it wouldn't bother him in an unpleasant way, but hard enough where it would bother him just enough to wake up.

..There was no response. The gorilla's head simply lolled to the side, and then he continued to snore.

Kaoru's brow furrowed now, and he reached up again to gently tug Kojiro's ear, then he leaned down and spoke softly, "Koji.."

Kojiro made a quiet groaning sound, but although there was no other response, Kaoru was happy he'd gotten this far. He leaned down again with a small smile, adding a light shoulder shake this time, "Jiroooo.."

This time, Kojiro stirred, groaning again as he shuffled a bit and slowly mumbled, "Mmm.. Ru?"

"Mmhm," Kaoru hummed his reply, shaking his husband's shoulder again, "Are you awake now?" He asked, and Kojiro grumbled a bit, "Unfortunately," he rasped, voice still deep and husky with sleep.

He turned his head to face Kaoru, opening his mouth wide to yawn- and giving Kaoru a very unpleasant whiff of his morning breath. The pinkette made a face, "Eugh-.. your breath is appalling."

Kojiro gave him as good of a look as he could while being as tired as he was, "Not my fault," he replied, and Kaoru rolled his eyes as the man went on, "Plus, I could say the same about your hot breath, Blossom."

The man suddenly closed his eyes and put his arm over them, and Kaoru's hand shot out to grip the offending limb, "Don't you dare fall back asleep," he said.

"Mm, I won't.. just resting my eyes, babe.." Kojiro replied lightly, and Kaoru narrowed his eyes, "Alright," he mumbled, letting Kojiro's arm go as the other man asked, "Why'd you wake me up anyway, everything good?"

"Bored," Kaoru replied, "I want you to pay attention to me."

Kojiro's deep chuckle seemed to reverberate through the quiet room, and Kaoru's lips turned upwards in a smirk as the other man looked Kaoru up and down before commenting, "Are you wearing my shirt?"

"It looks better on me," Kaoru quipped, pushing a lock of hair out of his face.

"I agree, it looks much better on you," Kojiro replied with a sleepy smirk, "You know what would look even better..?"

"Let me guess," Kaoru replied with a sigh, "If I had nothing on?"

"Bingo~!" Kojiro sing-songed, and he suddenly rolled over, pulling a very surprised Kaoru with him and switching their positions, the larger man now holding himself over Kaoru, who was blushing profusely, "I-.. I-I thought you were tired?"

"Got enough energy to make you feel good, babe," Kojiro replied, and Kaoru couldn't help the gasp that escaped his lips as the other man leaned down and began sucking and nipping at his neck, pulling away for a bit to comment, "And I figure intimacy oughta help you relax enough to go back to sleep."

Ever since they had kids, doing this in the morning wasn't that common anymore, and Kaoru had to admit-.. it was nice to change things up a bit. Plus, maybe Kojiro was right and some slow, lazy morning intimacy was exactly what he needed to relax properly and fix his sleep dilemma.

So, when Kojiro moved up from his neck to his jaw, the pinkette pulled the man's face up towards his own so they could kiss passionately, as Kojiro's hands wandered down his slender body.

All of a sudden, that feeling came over Kaoru, that bashful, somewhat embarrassed feeling that always washed over him every time he and Kojiro did something like this. The pinkette suddenly felt extremely shy, and he moaned lightly as Kojiro rubbed him through his pajama pants, his fingers moving in a circular motion and then pressing down a bit in the way Kaoru loved.

"Hah~.. I-.. Koji~.." Kaoru panted out, tapping Kojiro's shoulder lightly, and the other man hummed from where he was nipping at Kaoru's neck, "Hmm?"

"Uhm-.. Could you-?" The pinkette murmured quietly, smiling a bit as Kojiro replied, "No worries, I've got you."

Kaoru loved that about them. How he didn't even need to finish the thought, how Kojiro just knew what he wanted.

The pinkette's eyes filled with tears when Kojiro's finger entered, nails digging into the fabric of the larger man's t-shirt as he buried his face in Kaoru's neck. This was their usual routine, prep and the occasional dirty talk if they really wanted to get in the mood, and Kaoru was (quite possibly for the first time ever since being in a relationship with Kojiro) mostly looking forward to the end, more specifically, the feeling of utter relaxation that washed over him after the climax.

Before he knew it, Kojiro's finger slid out, causing Kaoru to whine buck his hips a bit as the other man murmured lowly into his skin, "Don' worry, Blosom.. almost to the best part."

A large hand reached over to the nightstand, and it only took a few seconds of Kojiro blindly groping for the drawer handle for Kaoru to start giggling underneath him, watching the other man's face contort into slight annoyance at not being able to get what he needed.

"Need some help there?"

"If you wouldn't mind."

Still giggling, the pinkette shimmied to the side as Kojiro sat back a bit, then he actually looked at what he was doing and successfully opened the nightstand drawer, rummaging around a bit before pulling out protection.

They got back into position, and Kojiro tore the wrapper open with his teeth..

Well, that was very attractive. They'd have to talk about adding that to their usual routine.

Let's just say, Kojiro was right when he'd said that this might be exactly what Kaoru needed. It was slow and steady, a leisurely pace with deep, lazy thrusts. Hands and fingers intertwined, soft moans paired with quiet groans and low, gravely grunts that settled deep in Kaoru's core.

"Haaah~.. Mmm~!"

"O-Oh~! Oh my God~ yes~!"

It wasn't just about the physical pleasure either- It was about trust, and emotional closeness, something separate from the rest of their lives, for just the two of them to bask in and cherish as much as they wanted.

And afterwards? Kaoru had never felt so relaxed in his life.

"Mmm.. Koji, you were so right.." He mumbled once they were finished cleaning up and had collapsed back into bed, "That was exactly what I needed, thank you.."

Kojiro smiled sleepily at him from where his head was resting on Kaoru's chest, "Anytime, babe.."

Then, Kaoru fell asleep.

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