The Boggart in the Wardrobe

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Malfoy didn't reappear in classes until late on thurrrsdat mornng, when the Slytherins ad Gryffindors were halfway through double Postions

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Malfoy didn't reappear in classes until late on thurrrsdat mornng, when the Slytherins ad Gryffindors were halfway through double Postions. He swaggered ino the dungeon, his right arm covered in bandages and bound up in a sling, acting in Harry  opinion, as if he was the heroic surivor of some drealfull battle.

"How is it, Draco"simpered Pansy "Does it hurt much?"

"yeah" said Draco, has she turned away he winked at Crabbe and Goyle

"Settle down, settle down" said Professor Snape idly, Estelle didn't like Snape he also did  favouritism of houses like Dumbledore, he favours Slytherins like how Dumbledore favours Gryffindors. She didn't turst both of them.

They were making a new potion today, a Shrinking Solution. Malfoy set his cauldron right next to Harry and Ron, so that they were preparing their ingredients on the same table. Estelle knew he was up to something.

"Sir" Malfoy called "sir, I'll need help cutting up these daisy roots,  because of my arm-" and there it was he was going too get Ron or Harry to do his work for him.

"Weasley cut up Malfoys foot's" said Snape without looking up

Ron went brick red

Ron has said something to Draco but Estelle didn't know what

"Professor" drawled Malfoy, "Weasley's mutilating my roots, sir" Snape approached their table, stared down his hooked nose at the roots, then gave Ron an unplesant smile from beneath his long greasy black hair.

"Change roots with Malfoy, Weasley"

"but sir"

Ron had spent the last half hour carefully shreding his own roots into exactly equal pieces

"now" said Snape in his most dangerous voice, but Estelle wasn't scared of him he was just a man in desperate need of shampoo, Estelle rasied her hand.

"What miss Black" he said

"How is that fair, if Ron was ever so kind to help  Draco with his roots but Draco wasn't happy with it, Draco should do it" she said calmly

"Because Weasley did a bad job on purpose, that's why it's fair" he said getting irritated

"Ron didn't do a bad job, we need this potion done in fithteen minutes so he just trying to get it done in time for Malfoy to finsh his potion" she said

"Then there's no problem with them swiching" he said

"I wonder how Dumbledore would feel about this" she said

"Are you threatening me" he said

"Me" she said dramatically "never, but a  certain little bird may let it slip to him" she said. Estelle knew Dumbledore would do nothing seeing how he let this abuse go for years and so did Snape but he couldn't risk it and he knew Estelle.

"I suppose your're right" he said looking very angery "Malfoy keep your roots"

Later in the class Snape decided to embarrass Neville which lead to Estelle getting a detention, do the fact that she told him " just because you're insecure doesn't mean you have to take it out on others" he didn't take to kindly to that. Hermione tried to help him but when Snape asked if she helped, she said yes. Making Estelle mentally face planted.Ron was now telling Hermione she should have lied but when she didn't anwer Ron turned around.

"Where is she?" he said

Harry turned around, too. They where at the top of the steps now, watching the rest of the class pass them, heading for the great hall.

"Estelle gone as well" said Harry

"Where did they go" said Ron

"There's Hermione" said Harry

Hermione was planting slightly, hurring up the stairs, one hand was clutching her bag, the other seemed to be tucking something down the front of her robes

"How you do that?" said Ron

"What?" said Hermione, joining them

"One minute you were right behind us, and the next moment, you were back at the bottom of the stiars again"

"What? Hermione looked slightly confused "Oh-I had to go back for somethig. "Oh no..

A seam had split on Heermione's bag, Harry wasn't surprised, it was crammed with at lest a dozen large and heavy books.Ron went on to question her on it but she didn't tell them anything.

"D'you get the feeling she's not telling us something" said Ron, Harry nodded

"Hermione do you know where Estelle is?" Harry asked

"She's not with you guys?" she said looking confused

"no, we thought she was with you"

"oh well- I'm sure she just in the great hall" she said picking up her paste but when they got there she was no where to be seen.

Little did they know Estelle was paying a certain someone a vist

Sorry for the cliffhanger:(


Estelle was in Dumbledore office for the second time today, her father would be proud.

"Ah miss Black, how lovely to see you again do you have any question about-"

'No" she cut him off, she would never cut off a professor not including Snape but she really didn't think Dumbledore was has a good person has he makes people think.

"This is about Snape, he still bully's kids which I know you kow about by the way-"

"Miss Black"

"I'm not done, he give me a detention for standing up for my friends and I want you to take it away" she said simply

"I can't do that" he said

" Actcally you can being headmaster and all" she said "And I mean after all I did for this school, I think it's only fair" Dumbledore sighed

"Only this one time, I can't be picking favourites " he said

"Oh of coures not" she said

"You better get going, class has started" and with that she was out the door

When Estelle got to class after stoping to the kitchens for a snack. She opened that door to Snape dress up in a green dress and vulture-topped hat, a big red handbag. Er so this is differnt- Estelle thought. Neville said Riddikulus and he disappeared. There was alot of laugher.

"Miss Black, I'm glad you came" said Professor Lupin

"Sorry, I'm late professor, I had personal matter" she said, most likly talking to her cazy Dad said someone, which made Ron tell them to shut thebloofy hell up.

"Ah no problem, we're leraning about Boggarts, I'm sure miss Granger will fill you in"he said, Estelle nodded and went next to Hermione , Harry and Ron.

"Where were you, are you okay?" asked a worried Harry. Estelle smiled

"Don't worry about it, sweetheart" she said

Word count: 1082

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