The Firebolt

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Estelle pov:

It was my father who killed Harry's parents. Thought to myself as I hid in the restroom. I know I should be out there comforting Harry about this seeing has it's his parents but- I just feel awful like it my fault somehow I know it's not but I can't help but feel guilty. Harry, he must feel awful I should be out there with him. I go to grab the old door knob I was just about to open it when I stoped myself, would he want to even talk to me? I mean my father did kill his parents but I don't think of him as my father. Would Harry hate me knowing that his friends with his parents killer? No of course not Estelle don't be so stupid. I shook my head of course not, right?

I made my way back to the table but when I go back there. No one was there, no Ron, no Harry even Hermione was gone. Of course why would they stay, I mean your a Black no matter what even if you don't want to be.

I made my way back to Hogwarts with tears rolling down my face I just wanted to get away from everybody and everything. I was so close to the common room when I heard someone yell my name, you have to pissing me. I turn around to see Mr. Lupin there.  Keeping my head down to do the fact it was stained with my tears and must like red and puffy seeing as I'm a very ugly cryer.

"Yes, can I help you" I say trying to sound like my normal self. Remus scrunch his eyebrows at the girl.

"Is there a reason why your not looking at me, Miss Black" he said before she could she just reacted forgetting her plan of going away as quickly as possible.

"Don't call me that" she said looking up at him. His heart broke looking at her face she obviously had been crying from what he saw in his class she was a happy, funny, talkative young girl even when she was a baby she was all bright.

" come join me for some tea" he said

"I don't think today is a good day for that, sir " I replied

"Nonsense there will be chocolate " has much as she wanted to say no, she couldn't not if there was chocolate involved.

"So Estelle, care to tell me what's it  you have been crying about?" Remus asked
, I stop drinking my hot chocolate

"Haven't been crying" I said giving him a half smile. He rises his brows. I couldn't help but feel like I had to tell him, like he was some sort of parent.
"Fine" I said putting down the cup " I have been crying but it's stupid really"

" it's not stupid if it's made you this upset" he said, wow he's good.

"I guess that's true"

"It is, so what's made you feel this way"

"Sirius Black, he just keeps taking everything from me" I said "And no matter how hard I try I can't get away from him"

" he doesn't define who you are" said Remus " just because he had done bad stuff doesn't me you have"

"I know that I just wished everyone else did"

After a long talk with Mr Lupin I felt a lot better, he made me feel safe at home even. When I walked inside the common room I felt arms go around my neck.

"Where have you been, we have all been worried sick" scolded Hermione

"Bloody hell, you almost give Harry heart attack" said Ron

"Well- I-we thought you may have been taking by Sirius Black" said Harry

" oh sorry I worried you guys I just  thought that you didn't want to see me" I said 

"Wouldn't want to see you" repeated Ron " why would we not want to see you" Hermione was now walking with her over to the seats. Harry moved over so quick so that she could sit next to him.

"Well I went to the restroom after you know-"

"Found out your Father killed Harry's parents " Ron filled in which earned him a glare from Hermione that he made a confused face at.

"Yes, can when I came out. You where all gone and I thought you wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore-"

"What" said Harry looking panicked "no, no , no I just need some air and they went with me. Then we went back and you where gone. We looked for you everywhere."

Then Hermione said" we know you're not your father and we would never leave you" I smiled

" happy to hear it, I'm not planing on going anywhere yet"


It was now Christmas by far one of my favourite holidays.

"Hermione would you get up, it's Christmas for goodness sake" I said shaking her.

"I'm a wake" she said

"Great now let's go" I said grabbing her arm and dragging her downstairs.

Luckily Ron and Harry where down there already.

They where now opening gifts everyone had got sweaters from Mrs Weasley, Hermione had got me a new copy of my favourite muggle book called Percy Jackson and the lighting thief limited addition and I had got her sweets, a new hat and a book. I got Ron a bunch of muggle food and he got me a new bookmark. For Harry I gave him a watch so he would stop being late to so many classes and he got me a charm bracelet,  with a lighting bolt on it.

Next I opened a gift from well I don't know, it was a journal, opened the first page and someone had written in it. "For all of your idea, my darling" it took me by surprise because when I'm at the orphanage in the summer I have things I remember or want to do/say at Hogwarts so I write it on a sticky note but I always lose them. But the things is I haven't told anyone that.

"Who's that from" Hermione questioned

"Oh I don't know, it has no name on it besides mine"

"That's strange, don't you think " just as I as going to answer Ron yelled "HARRY YOU GOT A FIREBOLT"

Both me and Hermione turned and faced them " wow Harry, who's it from" said Hermione

"Don't know" he said

"You don't know, don't you guys think it's weird both Harry and Estelle got gifts with no names on them, I mean what if there from Sirius they could be cursed, we need to tell someone ." Said Hermione

"Hermione why must you be a buzz kill, there gifts are not cursed" said Ron

Me, Harry and Ron where all in the common room when Hermione and professor McGonagall walked in. Oh god Hermione what are you doing is what I thought.

"Miss Black, Mr Potter I have been told you have received gifts that could be from Sirius Black"

"Well um er no well maybe" Said Harry

"We didn't get gifts from Sirius black but gifts with no name from who it came from" I said

"Very well then I will be taking them to be tested"

"What?!" Said Ron and Harry

"You can't do that" said Ron

" oh yes I can now give them over, you'll get them back in a few weeks " me and Harry passed them over then she left .

"Why do have to ruin everything" Ron said to Hermione then him and Harry left. Hermione had tears in her eyes" Estelle" she said

"Don't" then I walked away

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