The Patronus

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Me and Hermione made up like we always do, I understood why she did what she did but that did not mean Harry and Ron did.

I tried to convince them to forgive her but they wouldn't, Harry knew why she did it but didn't mean he wasn't mad because of it and Ron well he was furious to say the least.

While the boys went and did there thing me and Hermione went to the library she would study and well I would talk as much as possible but very quietly, of course. I could tell Hermione was upset and that made me upset so I try to cheer her up as much possible.

"Hermione I have a very serious question for you" I said looking right into her eyes.

Her eyebrow went together"what is your question "

" if a wizard got robbed by a muggle has he been muggled?" I asked, she just shook her hard but I could see her smile that she tried to hide.

"See it's a serious question " I protested

"It's a ridiculous question" said Hermione

"Nah uh"

Lessons started again the next day. The last thing anyone felt like doing was spending two hours in the grounds on a RAW January morning, but Hagrid had provided a bonfire full of salamanders for their enjoyment, and they spent in an unusually good lesson collecting Drywood, and leaves to keep up the fire blazing, while the flame, loving, lizards, scabbard up and down the crumbling, white hot logs. The first Divination lesson of the new term was much less fun for Harry but I loved it. Professor Trelawney  who is now teaching them palmistry, she told me that I would be rich duh I mean I'm the last of Blacks but it's still nice to hear but she told poor Harry that he had a very short lifespan.

Now we were in defence against the dark arts  the class was good but I seen that Harry and Ron had stayed back which was weird. Oh well it's dinner time!

As me and Hermione where walking her bag dropped her bag, I started to help put all back in her bag but it wouldn't close. She had made a tuh noise.

" and what are you tutting us for?" Said Ron irritably

"Nothing" said Hermione in a lofty voice, heaving her bag back over her shoulder.

"Yes, you were" said Ron "I said I wonder what's wrong with Lupin and you-"

"Well isn't it obvious?" Said Hermione, with look of maddening superiority. Um no I thought to myself.

"If you don't want to tell then don't" snapped Ron

"Fine" said Hermione haughtily and she marched off. I looked at Ron and Harry then I started off to catch up with Hermione while yelling " I want to know, tell me I'm your best friend" 

She told me. Damn lupin a werewolf, crazy.


It was later in the evening around 10, I was reading in the common room because it hard to focus with lavender snoring. When the door opened I was shocked to see Harry.

"What are you doing up?" We said at the same time

"I asked you first" I said

" technically, we said it at the same time" he said I rolled my eyes.

"Lupin been helping produce a Patronus to stop the Dementer's" he said

"Oh that's good, those things are just dreadful" I said

"What have you been doing" I asked

"Just reading " I said as he took a sit next to me. Then we just sat in comfortable silence well until I open my mouth.

"Hey, Harry?"


"Are you a Dementer?"

Harry give me a confused look "are you okay-"

"Because take my breath away" I said laughing at my own joke.

"You just think your so funny" he said

"No, I think I'm hilarious"


The next day, Henry and Ron came over to me Hermione in the common room. And showed the firebolt.
"I got it back" said Harry grinning at her, holding up the firebolt

"See, Hermione there wasn't anything wrong with it! said Ron

"Well-there might have been "said Hermione " I mean, at least now you know it's safe!"

" yeah I suppose" said Harry "better put it up stairs"

"I'll take it! Said Ron eagerly " i've got to give scabbards his rat tonic"

He took the firebolt and holding it, as if it was made of glass, carried it all the way up to the boys staircase.

"Can I sit down? Asked Harry

" I suppose, so" said Hermione moving a great stack of parchment off a chair.

"How are you getting out through all the stuff" he asked Hermione . Me and her shared a look.

"Oh well, you know working hard " said Hermione

" why don't you just drop a couple of subjects? Harry asked

"I couldn't do that to" she said

" astronomy looks terrible, said Harry  I nodded in agreement.

" oh, no, it's wonderful " said Hermione " One of my favourite subjects! It's-

But she never finished, because at that moment, a strangled yell echo down the boys staircase. The whole common room, fell silent, staring, petrified, at the entrance. There came hurried, footsteps, growing, louder, and louder, and then Ron came dragging a bedsheet.
"LOOK" he bellowed shredding over to Hermione's table. " LOOK"he yelled shaking the sheet in her face.

When I looked at the sheet, there's something on it that looked a lot like

"BLOOD"Ron yelled into the stunned silence "HES GONE AND YOU KNOW WHAT WAS ON THE FLOOR?!

"N-no" said Hermione run through something down onto Hermione's ruins translation. Me Hermione, and Harry leant forward. Lying on top of the weird spiky shapes for silver long ginger cat hair's.

"Your cat killed him" he roared

"For all we know that's your hair" I said folding my arms

"Um Estelle that's definitely cat hair" Harry whispered in my ear to which I replied with "shhh"

We are way half through!!' This was a short part but there's more to come. I hope you have a great day or night.

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