Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw

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It looked like the end of Hermione's and Ron's friendship

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It looked like the end of Hermione's and Ron's friendship.

Harry thought that Crookshanks did kill Scabbers making Hermione feel as though Harry was siding with Ron like always which well he was. While Harry tried to cheer up Ron, Estelle tried to cheer up Hermione.

"Come on" I said pulling on Hermione arm "it will be fun"

"I'm fine truly, I don't need any cheering up" said Hermione without looking up from her book.

"You're not fine, Mione, you haven't been yourself sense your and Ron's fight" I said

"I am fine, elle"

"Yeah and Fred and George aren't hot" I said, Hermione glared at me.

"What?! Am I wrong now come in"

"Fine I'll go but only to prove to you I'm perfectly fine" said Hermione

" Whatever floats your boat" I said

We made our way down to the tree-broomsticks arms in arms.

"Two butter beers, beautiful" I said to Rosemerta giving her one of my charming smiles.

"You got" said Rosemerta but she couldn't help but think of a certain Black as she did so.

I made my way to the back to the table and headed Hermione her drink.

"Elle, I could of payed you didn't have to" she said

"Hey, what are best friends for" I replied before taking a slip.

The two girls stay for hours chatting and laughing. It couldn't help but warm Rosemerta heart thinking of old memories.

"Your telling me you wouldn't kiss Wood" I said

"No" Hermione said laughing

"But he's such a cutie pie " I said which only made her laugh harder.

The next morning me and Hermione where eating breakfast when all the boys came down with Harry firebolt of course, it's like they can't leave a room with out it. Ron and Hermione shared their usual glares and me and Harry our small smiles. Now people from other houses came over to see the firebolt. Even Draco but that wasn't really surprising seeing how he really is obsessed with Harry. then everyone left to get ready for the game.

Everyone who's leaving the Gryffindor changing rooms when I pulled Harry back into the room.

"Elle, what- you can't be in here?!" Said Harry

"Relax pretty boy, just came to wish you good luck and all" I said, Harry face grew red at her calling him pretty.

"Oh-um, er, well-thanks" he said mentally face planting.

"Of course, don't die out there Har. I'll see you later" and with I left to go seat with Hermione.

"Where were you?" She asked

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