The servent of Lord Voldemort

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"And the night gets worse" said Estelle crossing her arms.

"I found this at the base of the Whomping Willow " said Snape, throwing the invisible cloak. Your eyes wondering how, perhaps, how I knew you where here? I've just been to your site office,Lupin. You forgot to take your potion tonight, so I took a gobletful along. And very lucky I did... lucky for me I mean. Lying in your desk was a certain map. One glance at it told me all I need to know. I saw you running along this passageway and out of sight."

"Severus" Lupin began, but Snape overrode him

"I've told the Headmaster again and again that you've been helping your old friend Black back into the castle-

"Didn't you say that I was" spoke up Estelle


"Really, because I specifically remember in potions. You were like "Estelle is most likely to help him" in your snarky voice."

" Enough"

"Severus you're making a mistake "said Lupin urgently "you haven't heard everything I can explain Sirius not here to kill Harry"

"Two more for Askavan tonight" said Snape

"Had the grease from your hair gotten into your ears, his trying to tell you something, hairball" said Estelle which made Sirius grin proudly.

"Just like your father you are" said Snape

"You fool, is this over some school boy joke your putting a innocent man and Azkaban?!" Said Lupin

BANG! Thin snake, like chords, first, from the end of Snape's wand and twist themselves around lupin's mouth, wrist and ankles. He over balance, and fell to four able to move with a rowling. With a rage of roar Black started towards state state, pointed his wand between black eyes.

Black stop dead. It would be impossible to say which face showed more hatred.

" professor Snape, it would hurt to hear what they have to say what it"

"Miss Granger, you are already facing suspension from school" "you, Potter, Black and Weasley are out of bounds, in company of a convicted killer and a werewolf. For once in your life hold your tongue"

"But if there was a mistake"


"You son of a bit- and with that she had pounced on Snape knocking him over and also knocking him out cold. Given Harry time to get his wand and undo his spell on Lupin.

"We attacked a teacher , we attacked a teacher, we're going to be in so much trouble!" Said Hermione

Estelle looked at her "girl, we've done so much worse then that. This isn't the first time we attacked a teacher I mean do you remember first year" she said raising a brow.

"Thank you Harry" said Lupin

"I'm not saying I believe you" he replied

"Then it's time we give you poof"said Black "You boy give me Peter now"
Ron clutched Scabbers closer to his chest

"Come of it" he said "are you trying to say you broke out of Azkaban just to get your hand on Scabbers? " he looked up to his friends in support.

" OK say Pettigrew could turn into a rat there are millions of rats how is he supposed to know after all if he was locked up and Azkaban "

" you know Sirius that's a fair point" said Lupin

Black put one of his claw like hands into his rope and took out a piece of paper, which is smooth flattened held out the show the others it was a photograph of Ron and his family that had appeared in the daily profit the previous summer, and there was a Ron shoulder-Scabbers.

"How did you get this"

"Fudge" said Black. When he came to inspect Azkaban, he gave me his paper and there was Peter. On the front page on this boy's shoulder...I knew him after all the times I seen him transform. And the caption said the boy boy would be going back to Hogwarts- were my girl and Harry was."

"My god, his front paw" said Lupin

"His got a missing toe" said Black

"Of course" said Lupin "so simple so brilliant he cut it off himself"

"Sounds psycho to me" said Estelle to Hermione who nodded in agreement

" Just before he transformed" said Black "when I cornered him, he yelled for the whole street to hear that I portrayed Lily and James. Then before I could curse him, he blew apart the street with the wand behind his back, kills everyone within 20 feet himself, and speeds down the sewer with the other rats."

"Didn't you ever hear, Ron "said Lupin "the biggest bit of Peter they found was his finger"

"Look Scabbers probably had a fight with another rat or something he's been in my family for 12 years!"

"Sirius, how long have you been in Azkaban." Said Estelle

It killed him for her to call him that but he answered "12 years"

The room went silent.

"No, you killed my parents and you were about to kill him as you did them." Said Harry

"No, Harry" Lupin spoke

"Yes I have" said Black with a evil look to Scabbers.

"Then I should've let Snape take you!"

"Harry, don't you see all this time thought Sirius  betrayed your parents and Peter tracked him down, but it was the other way around don't you see Peter betrayed your mother, father serious track down Peter. "Said Lupin


"Harry I as good as killed them" he croaked
"I pursued Lily James to change Peter at the last moment pursuit him to use him as a secret keeper instead of me. I'm to blame I know it the night they die. I did arrange to check on Peter make sure he was still safe, but when I arrived at his hiding  place, he was gone yet. there's no sign of struggle it didn't feel right. I was scared. I said out for your parents house straight away. And when I saw their house destroyed and their bodies, I realize that Peter must have done what I had done. "

His voice broke and turned away

" Enough of this" said Lupin " there's one certain way to prove that really happened,Ron. give me that Rat"

" What are you going to do to him if I give him to you?"

" Make him show himself"

He hesitated, but gave him the rat

"Ready Sirius"

" Together" he said quietly

"I think so" " on the count of three, one,  two, THREE"
  A flash of blue white light irrupt it from both wands for a moment, Scabbers was frozen in mid air, his small black body from twisty. Ron yelled. the rat hit the floor. There was another line in clash of light and then it was like watching speed up film of a growing tree ahead, shooting up to the ground, limbs are sprouting. Next moment man standing were Scabbers had been.  cringing and wiggling his hands Crookshanks, spitting in snarling on the bed, the hair on his back, standing up.

A very short man. His thin colours hair was uncapped, and there was a large ball patch on the top. He was trunk, and the parents of a plump man he lost weight in the short time is skin was grumpy and almost like scabrous for and something at the cat rat lingered around. His pointed nose is very small, watery eyes. He looked around them all breathing.Harry saw his eyes go to the door and back again.

"Hello, Peter"

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