Hermione's Secret

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It was a very odd group this one was, Lupin, Ex-murder Sirius Black, Pettigrew, in an unconscious Snape, Ron, Harry, Hermione and last but far from least Estelle

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It was a very odd group this one was, Lupin, Ex-murder Sirius Black, Pettigrew, in an unconscious Snape, Ron, Harry, Hermione and last but far from least Estelle. It was hard to get back seeing as we had Pettigrew chained to Ron and Lupin.

Hermione and Estelle stuck together. Hand in hand. Sirius was talking to Harry about Merlin knows what. But all Estelle could thing about how her life was completely torn upside down in one night. She went from a someone who had no blood family unless you count a "murder" all the way in Azkaban. Now she has not one but two Dad's and she had a hard time rapping her head around it- Estelle was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Hermione scream. Lupin was transforming into a werewolf.

"Run" Sirius whispered "Run leave it to me-RUN"

How to go ahead divided for lupines dropped wand. Ron, unsteadily on his bandage foot fell. There was a bang, a burst of light, and Ron lay motionless on the ground. Crookshanks flew into the air and back to earth in a heap.

Estelle without thinking ran to Ron.Harry try to get Lupin wand but it was to late. There was something happing in the back around but Estelle didn't care.

"Ron, wake up, come on. We have to go, this isn't funny " she said shaking him gently. Soon Hermione and Harry was behind her.

"What did he do to him" asked Hermione

"I don't know" Estelle answered

" we better get them up to the castle and tell someone "said Harry"come-

But then out of darkness, they heard a yelping, a whining; a dog in pain.

"Sirius" Harry" Estelle you stay her with Ron me and Hermione will go" and before she could object they ran off.

"It will okay, it's going to be okay" Estelle repeated until everything went black.

When Estelle came through she was in the hospital wing. She started to panic.

"It's okay" Ron said, Estelle head whipped to Ron who was laying in a hospital bed next to her.

"Ron, what happened where's Harry and Hermione-"

"Where right here" said Harry and Hermione

"What the bloody hell happened " asked Estelle

Then Ron, Harry, Hermione filled her in.

"So everyone is okay and I I've been unconscious for 5 days, fun" said Estelle

"That would be correct" said Ron "but we get to miss exams due to our injuries!"

"Hell yeah" yelled Estella giving Ron high five

Which alerted Poppy,"your awake! How come no one told me, everyone out I have to make sure she's all right!

They were all on the train, Hermione and Ron bickering, Harry and Estelle laughing at them. When a owl came to them. Estelle grabbed the letter that was in his beak. She looked at them."it's from Sirius"

"What" said Ron and Hermione excited "read it out loud"

"Dear Estelle,

I hope this finds you, Buckbeak and I are hiding. I will tell you where, in case it falls into the wrong hands. I have some doubt about the owls reliability , but he is the best I could find, and he seems eager for the job. I believe the Dementer's are still searching for me, but they haven't. I hope I finally here. I am planning to allow some Muggles to glimpse me soon along way from Hogwarts so that security on the castle will be lifted. There's something I never got around to tell you during the time where I got to see you. I sent you and Harry those gifts.

"Ha I told you" said Hermione triumphantly

"Yes but he hadn't jinxed it, had he? Said Ron "ouch" the tiny I will now Putin happily in his hand, her nipples on one of his fingers, and White seem to think was affectionate way.

" Crookshanks took the order to the office for me. I used your name and told them to take the gold from Green Gots part number 711 my own. Please consider it as a part of the the many of birthday gifts I haven't got to give you. I would also like to apologize for the freight. Ps Harry I would like to apologize for the freight. I gave you the night last year when you left your uncles house. I'd only hope to get a glimpse of you before starting my journey worth, but I think the size of my alarms you. I am enclosing something else for you, which I will make your next year at Hogwarts more enjoyable.

If you ever need me, send word your hour or find me all right again soon

Loved Sirius

Inside the envelope was to notes

I,Sirius black, Estelle black, father hereby give her permission to visit Hogsmeade at weekends

I,Sirius black, Harry Potter godfather hereby give him permission to visit Hogsmeade at weekends

And give your find Ron the owl seeing as it's my fault he no longer has a rat.

Ron's eyes widen "keep him?" he said uncertainly he looked closely at the alpha moment then he hold him out of Crookshanks to sniff.

"What do you reckon? He asked the cat "definitely a owl"

Crookshanks purred

" That's good enough for me!" Said Ron happily "he's mine"

Which made them all laugh

Estelle couldn't help but think what the next year we'll bring

Word count:900

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