Grim Defeat

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Dumbledore sent the Gryffindors back to the Great Hall, everyone was staring at Estelle and talking about her in a not so quiet voices

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Dumbledore sent the Gryffindors back to the Great Hall, everyone was staring at Estelle and talking about her in a not so quiet voices.

"I bet she helped her Dad" said someone

"She probably just as crazy as him" said Someone

"Father like daughter, I don't know why they let her come back" said another

And it didn't help that Dumbledore had asked to see her in his office. when she walked in she was greeted with Professors McGonagall, Snape who seemed to be enjoying this and Lupin.

"You wanted to see me?" said Estelle

"Yes, please take a sit" said Dumbledore kindly

"So I take it you didn't ask me up her for a tea party" said Estelle

Dumbledore chouckled "No we did not, as you know your Father-"

"Sirius Black, his not my father" she correct, Sirius Black was a stranger to her not a Father.

"Yes, Sirius Black has got into Hogwarts and-"

"You think I helped" said Estelle raising a brow

"No but seening as your teachically his daugther, the Mistery has asked if I ask you somethings" he said

"No I didn't help Father dearest help break into Hogwarts and help him try to kill my best friend. You see there isn't a family day in Askban" she said " So now that we have this all cleared up, can I go now?"

"Yes miss Black, you may go" said Dumbledore

"great" she said sarcasticall, she got up  picking her bag, all the professors looked at with pity witch she hated and made her way down to the great hall.

Estelle walked into the great hall, there were people with sleeping bags everywhere and all there eyes where on her. She simply smiled and waved. Then said "If you want a picture I really don't mind taking one, mean then you don't have to stare at me all the time, I know it will be hard but I know you can do it" no one said a word and quickly turned around.

"Estelle over here" yelled Ron, waving her over to where him, Hermione and Harry are

"What did Dumbledore want?" asked Harry

"Wanted to know if I helped Father dearest into Hogwarts" she said, Harry made a oh face

"How stupid, why on Earth would you help him"  said Ron

"Because biology she is his daughter, she knows the passwords there for, she would be the first suspect"said Hermione

"Still stupid I mean they don't to eachother and Black didn't even have the password " said Ron, Ron belly rumbled " Bloody hell, all this commotion has made me hungry"

"we can sneak into the kitchens and get some food" said Estelle

"No, we can't that's against the rules" said Hermione

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