The Marauder's Map

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There was another demtentor attack at Hogwarts this time at a quidditch match which made Harry end up at hospital wing and Estelle could of sworn she her a man pleading for what sounded like his daughter?

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There was another demtentor attack at Hogwarts this time at a quidditch match which made Harry end up at hospital wing and Estelle could of sworn she her a man pleading for what sounded like his daughter?

Harry's broom got absolutely demolition by Whomping willow so that made him feel even better. Harry didn't tell anyone about the Grim because Ron would panic, Hermione wouls scoff and Estelle would worry. Harry at first didn't think he was going to die but things weren't looking good for him at the time.

Harry had lots of visitors but his favorite would have to Estelle, his Estelle. She would bring broad games and sweets and wouldn't leave until Madam Pomfrey kicked her out even when she would ask for five more minutes which turn into a hour.

It was monday and Harry was back going to his classes. Him,Ron, Hermione and Estelle where of to Defence Against the Dark Arts .

"Snape's talking Defence Against the Dark Art again, I'm going off sick" said Ron

"Ditto" said Estelle

"Hermione check who's on there" said Ron

Hermione peered around the door

" It's okay" said Hermoine

Professor Lupin was back work. Thank you merlin thought Estelle but it look like he had been ill. His old robes hanging more lossely on him and there was dark shadows beneath his eyes but neverless he still smiled at the class. The whole class brusted into complaints about Snape when he was out.

"It's not fair, he was only filling in, why should he set us homework?"

"We don't know anything about werewolfs-

"two rolls of parchment"

"Did you tell Snape that you have no coverd them?" said Lupin, slightly fowning

"yes he wouldn't listen-

"he said we were really behind

"two rolls!"

"don't worry, you don't have to do it" aid Lupin

"oh no, I'll ready did it" said Hermione

"Me as well, pulled a all nighter" said Estelle

Lupin couldn't help but smile at Estelle, she looked so much like Sirius but acted so differnt when it came to school work where Sirius would have never done that work let alone pull a all nighter for it. Harry had Lily eyes everytime he look at him he could see his old friend but he act so much like James. He saw James in him so much from the messy hair and glasses to the way Harry looked at Estelle like James looked at Lily, good times he thought to himself, good times.

Soon class was over, the four of them were about to leave when Lupin said "Wait a momment Harry, I'd like a word' the four of them looked at eachother, Harry shrugged his shoulders as to say he doesn't know what this is about. As Harry walked up to Lupin Estelle made a "oooo" noise as to say he was in truble Hermione grabed her arm and walked out of the classroom with Ron follwing behind them laughing.

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