Chapter 7

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~~~ Caleb's P.O.V. ~~~
So I am walking through the halls. I can't believe what I just heard.

Corki likes me and Sun Hi likes me. What did I do that was so great for everyone to like me. They are supposed to be my friends and what do I do I date one of them now all three like me like in a like like way

I walk past the auditorium and see Sun Hi singing and dancing to Superstar. I walk in and lean on the wall. She sees me then stops the music.

"Hey Caleb, what are you doing here?" She asks. "I need to talk to you" I respond. "About what?" She asks while sitting on the stage. "I know who you like" I say. "It's true I have a crush on Dylan your best friend." She says. "I know you have a crush ... on me" I say. Sun Hi has a surprised look on her face,until the look turns mad.

"Who told you, it was Corki wasn't it" Sun Hi says. "Yeah, Corki told me but we have to talk about this" I say. "We will talk about it after I 'talk' to Corki" Sun Hi says holding her fist. "Sun Hi we can work with this ... right?" I say then ask. "Can we maybe be together?" Sun Hi asks. "We can't, I can't. I have a girlfriend" I say. "Can't you dump her?" She says, and I'm surprised by this. "No I can't because I actually like her and its Jodi your best friend" I say changing her mind. "Well now Corki's my best friend because she's not a crush-stealer." She says. "You're still best friends with Jodi, but my heart belongs to her." I say.

"Caleb, just think about how happy you could be, how happy we could be ... without Jodi." Sun Hi says as she leans in. Our lips touch, but I pull away."What's up?" She asks. "I'm dating your best friend but, you kiss me. What kind of friend are you?" I ask Sun Hi looks hurt.

"We have to rehearse" she says then grabs my wrist and walks out of the room while dragging me out.

~At Rehearsal-No ones P.O.V ~
~~~ Saturday Night ~~~

"I might change the lyrics a bit, so just work with it" Sun Hi says.

"Why'd you think you got to be better. Who said, who said that you need to go and change"Sun Hi sings as the music to The Rules starts playing.

"Can't you find a tighter sweater well we say come with us and learn the game" Jodi says.

"Don't listen don't you listen come with us we're on a mission you should be yourself and glisten now" Sun Hi and Jodi say. Sun Hi motions for Jodi to stop singing.

"There's a way you should be talking follow me the way I'm walking if you want that cute boy calling you,"Sun Hi says while pulling Corki in her direction as Jodi gasps.

"Don't listen to a word she's saying we'll be 5-star hotel staying 80 million hits and playing too the rules" Jodi says while pulling Corki back in her direction. But Corki slips out of Jodi's grasp and walks over to Sun Hi's side of the stage.

"Oh oh. Oh oh, the the rules. Oh oh, Oh oh the the rules." Sun Hi and Corki say while shooting a rude glare in Jodi's direction.

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